Rethink-Your-Resolutions-Rhapsody-CrossFitWith the start of a new year (and decade!) just around the corner, you might’ve started thinking about the fitness goals you hope to accomplish in the new year. Probably the most common resolution thrown around this time of year is, “I should try to lose some weight.”

Of all the resolutions, habits and fitness goals you could focus on, weight loss might be the one that sets you up for failure. And here’s why…

When you resolve to lose weight, the following tends to be true:

The number on the scale determines if you’re successful.

And unfortunately, you don’t have direct control over the number on the scale.

You favor a quick-fix approach.

Seeking a quick-fix might lead to temporary weight loss. But instead of finding a sustainable change, you end up regaining the weight later on.

You still don’t really understand what’s important to you.

Resolving to lose weight is a goal that barely scratches the surface of what you’re capable of achieving. And it doesn’t get to the driving force behind your actions. Why do you want to lose weight? Is it because you want to increase your self-confidence? Feel more productive? Experience success?

There are a lot of ways you can tackle these more meaningful goals without chasing a number. How?

Rethink your resolutions.

Rethink your resolutions by coming up with a goal that you’re genuinely excited to tackle – something that has nothing to do with numbers on a scale. Focus on what you have to gain (instead of what you want to lose), and you’ll increase your chances for success.

If you’re still feeling stuck, here are just a few ideas of resolutions that are all about what you could gain in the coming year:

1. Eat more whole, unprocessed foods.

Set a goal to eat more natural foods. If your food does have packaging, stick with ingredients that are easy to pronounce.

2. Try four new recipes each month.

Food choices are the result of habits. So if you don’t have many (or any) good recipes to choose from, the alternative might be picking up whatever’s convenient. By trying out four new recipes, you’ll expand your choices with a potential of 36 new recipes by the end of the year.

3. Cook “X” meals per week at home.

Trying new recipes can also encourage you to cook more meals at home. Set a goal for at-home cooking that most aligns with your lifestyle. If you know that cooking all of your meals at home is just not realistic, set a number that is.

4. Get “X” hours of sleep each night.

Most people notice positive changes in their lives when they’re able to get six to eight hours of sleep each night. Again, find a number that suits your lifestyle that’s also in (or pretty close) to this range.

5. Start a recovery routine.

If you don’t do much for recovery now, then this is a great time to start. Your routine can be as simple as five to ten minutes post-workout.

6. Increase gym attendance.

Set a goal to increase your weekly workout number. Keep in mind that this attendance number is an average. Some weeks you might get in an extra workout or two, where other weeks you might need to miss a day or two.

7. Learn a new skill.

Have you been eyeing that first muscle-up for a while? Then this is the year that you make it happen. Make sure that you choose a skill that you’re excited to learn – even if you’re nervous about figuring out how to make it happen.

8. Hit a # pound PR.

Going along with the theme of focusing on what you can gain in the new year, that point of focus might be gaining strength. So perhaps your goal could focus on hitting a new PR.

To learn more about how to get started on your personal fitness goals and resolutions, contact us at Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston today!