In terms of fitness and performance, do you ever think about what you’d like to do “someday?” Some day you’ll “fill in the blank.”
Perhaps those “someday” dreams might look like one of these:
- Get your first pull-up.
- Get your first muscle-up.
- Run a 5K, half marathon, or marathon.
- Do a Sprint triathlon. Or an Ironman.
- Lose 10, 20, XX pounds.
- Have six-pack abs.
- Deadlift your bodyweight. Or 2x your bodyweight.
Dreams are a good thing because they can inspire and motivate you. But there is a catch. Rather than yielding tangible results, dreams tend to hang out in your imagination and never leave. So, what does it take to turn a dream into reality?
First, Do a Reality Check
To achieve big dreams, your first task is to run them through an honest reality check:
Is it physically possible?
Let’s say your dream is to become the fastest man or woman on the planet. Or to deadlift 600 pounds. You must ask yourself if your dream is physically possible. Is your dream a stretch, or are you overreaching? The purpose isn’t to end up disappointed, but to take an honest look at what your body can physically accomplish.
And, is it what you really want?
Is this a dream that you really want? Or does it sound kinda cool and seems like it’d be worth it to pursue. When you start chasing a dream that you’re genuinely excited about, you’re more likely to stay motivated and develop the discipline needed to go after it.
Next, Set Realistic Goals
Once you’ve determined that your dream is realistically possible, then it’s time to do some goal-setting. Turning your dream into a goal takes it from your imagination into the real world. Goals are where the action happens. As you set your goals, make sure that they are clearly defined and measurable.
Once you have realistic goals that are clearly defined, create a timeline. If it will take you several months (or even years to reach your goal), then set smaller, short-term goals that you can accomplish along the way.
To learn more about Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston and our range of programs,get in touch with Team Rhapsody today.