The sit-up is a simple exercise that you can literally do anywhere. Despite the simplicity of this movement, it’s worth checking in on the points of performance. Make this an effective and efficient exercise by ensuring that you’re getting the most out of every rep.

A blue rectangular background with a white border.Points of Performance: The Sit-Up

While the sit-up is a bodyweight movement, you’ll likely perform sit-ups using an AbMat. The AbMat is a small pad that fills up the space in your low back. Using an AbMat will protect your spine by allowing you to maintain the neutral curve of your low back while moving through a full range of motion.

Starting Position

Lay on the ground. Bring the soles of the feet together with the knees out in a butterfly position. Make sure the upper back and shoulders are in contact with the ground. Straighten the arms and bring them above the head. The hands should touch the floor behind the head.

If using one, place the AbMat under the low back (filling in the lumbar curve).

A blue rectangular background with a white border.Sit Up

With the hands extending overhead, flex at the hips and sit up. Keep the spine straight and shoulders back. Sit all the way up so that the shoulders are above or just in front of the hips with the hands reaching (or reaching for) the feet.

Return to Start

Reverse the movement and return to the starting position.

A Few More Tips for the Sit-Up

  • Keep your feet in contact with the ground. Raising your feet off the ground either during the ascent or descent lets you use momentum to move rather than your core.
  • Butterflying the legs with your knees turned out takes your hip flexors out of the movement.
  • Move through a full range of motion. Come to a full upright sitting position as you sit up. And make sure that your shoulder blades touch the ground at the completion of each rep.

To learn more about Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston and our range of programs,get in touch with Team Rhapsody today.