Monthly Archives: November 2018


Getting Back To CrossFit Basics


Guest post by Mary Beth Henderson, Rhapsody Fitness Member I AM A CROSSFIT ATHLETE You have never seen me in a competition, I have yet to get a muscle-up and, at first blush, you probably wouldn’t believe I can deadlift more than twice my bodyweight. Nevertheless, CrossFit is a significant part of my life [...]

Getting Back To CrossFit Basics2021-02-23T13:21:54+00:00

How Will You Be Better Tomorrow?


When you think about successfully reaching a goal, what images pop into your head? Do you picture yourself hitting that new PR? Can you see that magic number when you step onto the scale? Maybe you see yourself running effortlessly around the yard with your kids? Images like these can be highly motivating. Visualizing the [...]

How Will You Be Better Tomorrow?2020-03-07T08:49:14+00:00

Training For A Race? From 5K to 26.2, Rhapsody CrossFit Can Help!


By Stan Tsoy, Rhapsody CrossFit Coach You’re all signed up for the big race – now it’s time to lace up your sneakers and log some miles. Whether this is your first couch to 5K or annual marathon, I am here to tell you that your training can only be enhanced with a supplemental [...]

Training For A Race? From 5K to 26.2, Rhapsody CrossFit Can Help!2020-03-07T08:40:21+00:00

CrossFit Mom: Part 3: Let’s talk about sex, baby!


Guest post series by Mollie L. First and foremost, it is insanely good for you. If practiced safely, the benefits of a healthy sex life extend far beyond the bedroom (or wherever you like to get frisky!). On the physical front alone, sex burns calories, lowers blood pressure, increases heart health, strengthens muscles and [...]

CrossFit Mom: Part 3: Let’s talk about sex, baby!2020-03-07T08:40:11+00:00
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