Monthly Archives: December 2018


Corporate Wellness – What it is, what it should be and how your company can build a strong corporate culture with Rhapsody CrossFit


When you hear “corporate wellness” what comes to mind? Perhaps it’s a step challenge for a few dollars off your deductible or a discounted membership to a gym around the corner. Corporate Wellness – What It Is (For Most) By definition, corporate wellness is any workplace health promotion activity or policy designed to support [...]

Corporate Wellness – What it is, what it should be and how your company can build a strong corporate culture with Rhapsody CrossFit2021-02-23T13:21:44+00:00

My Rhapsody: From NYC to CHS, Susan Pittard shares her story finding Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston


MY RHAPSODY: From NYC to CHS, Susan Pittard shares her story on how becoming a mom motivated her to strive as an athlete and finding her ‘Cheers’ with Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston. What is your story? A little bit about me, I moved to Charleston with my husband and son, July 2017 from Brooklyn, [...]

My Rhapsody: From NYC to CHS, Susan Pittard shares her story finding Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston2018-12-25T10:16:47+00:00

CrossFit Is For Anyone, Not Everyone


CrossFit gyms are the meeting grounds of people from all different lifestyles and backgrounds. At Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston, everyone is welcome. It doesn’t matter whether this is your first time doing CrossFit or you’re a seasoned expert, if you have the drive and motivation to complete the workouts, you’re one of us. Though [...]

CrossFit Is For Anyone, Not Everyone2021-02-23T13:21:49+00:00

Anyone, Not Everyone: Meet Rhapsody CrossFit Athlete, Clare Kelly


  ANYONE, NOT EVERYONE: Raising the bar on what it means to be a happy athlete, Clare Kelly shares her story on moving to Charleston from Ireland and finding home among her CrossFit community.   Clare Kelly at Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston, SC. What is your story? A little about me: I am very [...]

Anyone, Not Everyone: Meet Rhapsody CrossFit Athlete, Clare Kelly2018-12-14T08:36:31+00:00

Meet James Hobart – The Man, Myth and CrossFit Legend Behind Hobart Custom


Rhapsody CrossFit and Hobart Custom Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston is proud to follow Hobart Custom programming developed by James Hobart.  A legend in the CrossFit community, Hobart is a two-time podium finisher in the Northeast Regional, Affiliate Cup Champion and a former member of CrossFit Mayhem Freedom when the team claimed its 2015 + 2016 CrossFit [...]

Meet James Hobart – The Man, Myth and CrossFit Legend Behind Hobart Custom2021-10-04T11:18:25+00:00

The Charleston Holiday Haze


Right now, in the swell of the holidays, it can be easy to forget some of the staples we work into our routine during every other time of the year: working out and eating right. Just because you may have a few days of November and December that you get to relax with friends and [...]

The Charleston Holiday Haze2020-03-07T08:49:23+00:00

My Rhapsody: From emotional eater to vivacious athlete, meet Jennifer Bellini


MY RHAPSODY: From an unhappy emotional eater to a vivacious athlete, Jennifer Bellini shares her journey of reclaiming joy, finding strength and challenging herself with Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston. Jennifer Bellini at Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston, SC. What is your story? In my late 30’s I found myself 40 pounds overweight due [...]

My Rhapsody: From emotional eater to vivacious athlete, meet Jennifer Bellini2020-03-07T08:49:08+00:00
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