Monthly Archives: March 2020


Listen To The Advice Of A Cliché – Step Outside Your Comfort Zone


There’s a reason why “stepping outside your comfort zone” has become a popular cliché. Leaving your comfort zone is where you grow and make progress. Why is it so hard to leave? Your comfort zone is familiar. When you stay there, you know exactly what you’re capable of, and there is no risk of [...]

Listen To The Advice Of A Cliché – Step Outside Your Comfort Zone2020-03-12T12:54:33+00:00

Rhapsody COVID-19 Prevention Plan


The health and safety of our members is our top priority.  Our mantra is "prepared, not panicked" regarding our response to the ever-changing status of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in the US. We are constantly monitoring the situation and rely upon the South Carolina Department of Health, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) [...]

Rhapsody COVID-19 Prevention Plan2020-03-11T04:04:24+00:00

Chasing A Goal? Here Are 5 Reasons To Write It Down


Have you ever thought of something you needed to do and told yourself, “I’ll remember to do that.” Only to forget all about it. Pretty sure we’ve all been there. No matter how much we want to do something or how important it is, without writing it down, it may never happen. This is [...]

Chasing A Goal? Here Are 5 Reasons To Write It Down2020-03-07T09:11:34+00:00
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