Monthly Archives: August 2021


Team Rhapsody Welcomes Lee Evans


Hailing from Coopersburg, PA, Lee Evans enlisted in the U.S. Coast Guard right after graduating high school. As a Boatswain’s Mate, he sailed and served from the tropical Caribbean islands to the icy Bering Sea over nine years.  Winning the location lottery, Lee transitioned from his station in Honolulu, HI to Charleston, SC, where [...]

Team Rhapsody Welcomes Lee Evans2021-08-30T11:25:17+00:00

How to Maximize Your Training ROI – Part 1


Each time you show up at the gym, you make a deposit. And that investment is made up of your time, money and effort. You could spend that same 60 minutes in hundreds of different ways, but you’ve chosen to prioritize your training and health. Training ROI - Part 1 If you’re willing to [...]

How to Maximize Your Training ROI – Part 12021-09-07T07:18:53+00:00

Your Moment Of Zen – Creating A Bedtime Routine For Better Sleep


Who doesn't enjoy a night of cozy, calm, blissful sleep? Getting a good night's sleep doesn't just create a much-needed moment of zen. Quality sleep is also vital to prepare your body for peak performance at the gym and in your daily life. So why is getting a good night of sleep so elusive? [...]

Your Moment Of Zen – Creating A Bedtime Routine For Better Sleep2021-08-15T20:52:31+00:00

My Rhapsody: With Each Making It Their Own, Flo And Shawn Braddy Are All In


With each making it their own, Flo and Shawn Braddy are all in on Rhapsody Fitness both inside and outside the gym. What is your story?  FLO: After graduating with a BS in Sports Science from Kingston University London, I headed to Charleston in 2013. I was offered a soccer scholarship (we call it football [...]

My Rhapsody: With Each Making It Their Own, Flo And Shawn Braddy Are All In2021-08-15T21:11:34+00:00

Points of Performance: The Sit-Up


The sit-up is a simple exercise that you can literally do anywhere. Despite the simplicity of this movement, it’s worth checking in on the points of performance. Make this an effective and efficient exercise by ensuring that you’re getting the most out of every rep. Points of Performance: The Sit-Up While the sit-up is [...]

Points of Performance: The Sit-Up2021-07-29T11:05:23+00:00

Back At It: 4 Tips To Get Back Into Your Fitness Groove


On the path to lifelong fitness and health, you’re bound to hit a few potholes and detours along the way. Some bumps in the road are short-lived, and your journey continues. At other times, you might find yourself away from the gym for an extended period of time. When you’re ready to get back [...]

Back At It: 4 Tips To Get Back Into Your Fitness Groove2021-07-27T09:25:24+00:00
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