Monthly Archives: February 2022


Let’s Talk Chalk


Sweat is a mechanism for keeping your body cool, which is a good thing. So when you train (and your body temperature naturally rises), you sweat. And if you climb, boulder, lift weights, CrossFit or have a background in gymnastics, you know that your palms sweat. If you do one or more of these [...]

Let’s Talk Chalk2022-01-20T07:53:01+00:00

Rally At Rhapsody – The 2022 NOBULL CrossFit Open


By Alan Shaw, Co-Founder and Head Coach of Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston, SC. Motivation, milestones and progress! Buckle up you misfits and mavens - the 2022 NOBULL CrossFit Open is here.  WHAT IT IS Your time to shine. From first-timers to seasoned competitors, athletes across 13,000+ affiliates anywhere in the world show up to compete [...]

Rally At Rhapsody – The 2022 NOBULL CrossFit Open2022-02-25T21:12:48+00:00

The Warning Signs Of Under-Recovery


Your body needs to feel stress to respond and improve. And this stress comes in the form of workout intensity, duration and frequency. Striking the right balance of training stress leads to progress. However, if you overstress your body, your performance will decline. This is known as overtraining – a term you’ve probably heard [...]

The Warning Signs Of Under-Recovery2022-01-25T14:45:30+00:00

Are You In The Pursuit Of Perfection?


The pursuit of perfection can drive us toward improvement. But it also has a dark side. A side that leads to doubt, frustration, anxiety and a lack of motivation. Here are some signs that you might be pursuing perfection: You obsess over finding the perfect gym rather than showing up and giving the gym [...]

Are You In The Pursuit Of Perfection?2022-01-18T09:46:36+00:00

What Happens When You Sit All Day?


Over the past several decades, we humans have become more and more sedentary. Because of technology, rather than being outside and moving around, we spend more time in front of a computer screen. A Few Facts (courtesy of The average person sits for 12 hours each day. Physical inactivity is risk factor #4 [...]

What Happens When You Sit All Day?2022-01-12T09:59:33+00:00
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