Monthly Archives: October 2022


The Why Behind The Work – Quality Programming Demystified


By Head Coach Kerry Kirsch + Coach Elizabeth Hall of Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston, SC. It seems, much like an opinion, everyone and their mother has programming these days. With the barrage of packaged tracks and tricks, it can have you spinning to make sense of intentional, educated programming versus…everything else. Before we continue, [...]

The Why Behind The Work – Quality Programming Demystified2022-10-29T20:06:07+00:00

How Exercise Helps Mental Health


Exercising, working out, breaking a sweat — whatever you want to call it, there is no question that doing it regularly is one of the best things you can do to support your physical health in just about every way. There is another benefit that we cannot always see, but we can definitely feel. [...]

How Exercise Helps Mental Health2022-10-12T14:38:53+00:00
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