Monthly Archives: October 2020


Master Your Mindset: Event + Response = Outcome


There are many tools out there that can help you master your mindset. One of these tools is a principle of success that comes from author, Jack Canfield. (If you've heard of or read a Chicken Soup for the Soul book, then you know Jack.) The Success Formula: Event + Response = Outcome The [...]

Master Your Mindset: Event + Response = Outcome2020-10-28T12:40:24+00:00

Mission Control – The Makings Of A Mission Statement


By Alan Shaw, Co-Founder and Head Coach of Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston, SC Welcome to Box Building! Follow Rhapsody Fitness Co-Founders Alan Shaw and Trinity Wheeler as they continue to build one of the fastest growing gyms in South Carolina. Answer the hard questions, explore various approaches, dive into strategy and share lessons learned [...]

Mission Control – The Makings Of A Mission Statement2021-02-23T20:52:43+00:00

Training Myths That Hold You Back


When it comes to the obstacles that stand between you and your fitness goals, sometimes the biggest obstacle is what we tell ourselves about our training. And most of these thoughts are simply that - thoughts. There is no truth behind them. But even though these thoughts lack credibility, getting hung up on training [...]

Training Myths That Hold You Back2020-10-21T14:32:41+00:00

Protein, Pre-Workout or Coffee


What’s the best thing to consume before a workout? Protein shakes? A pre-workout? But The foods and drinks you consume before and after workouts can be a highly contested topic. And if it seems like there are a lot of differing opinions and too many options to choose from, it’s because the honest [...]

Protein, Pre-Workout or Coffee2020-10-14T17:21:43+00:00

Start Your Engine – Swim Like A Shark With SwimWOD’s Emma Gage


Jump on in, the water is warm!  From many Rhapsody athletes, we field questions about how to enhance conditioning and improve endurance without putting excess strain on those joints - we are here to tell you it’s time to get your feet wet and add swim training to your routine.  To keep you from falling [...]

Start Your Engine – Swim Like A Shark With SwimWOD’s Emma Gage2020-10-02T18:20:30+00:00
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