Monthly Archives: September 2022


Why It’s Good To Sweat


Being active and exercising your muscles offers about a million health benefits. Give or take. And that sort of physical exertion usually spurs a byproduct, or what we consider a byproduct anyway — sweating. It turns out that working up a sweat isn’t just a good metric (sometimes) for whether or not your workout [...]

Why It’s Good To Sweat2022-09-28T14:00:02+00:00

Are You Tracking Your Fitness Routine?


Fitness is important to all of us for our own reasons. No matter whether you are trying to lose weight, put on mass, or keep where you are, tracking fitness progress is an essential part of your ongoing success. Tracking your exercise progress is important because it lets you see how you are progressing [...]

Are You Tracking Your Fitness Routine?2022-08-15T14:53:20+00:00

What Makes A Great CrossFit Community?


On the surface, boxes and gyms can all seem very similar. Equipment, music, hopefully nice towel service. But one other thing really distinguishes one box from the next — the community of people who are present. It's a big part of CrossFit so let's spend a little time talking about what makes a great [...]

What Makes A Great CrossFit Community?2022-08-17T11:42:57+00:00
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