Yearly Archives: 2022


Is It Time To Work With A Personal Trainer?


How are your workouts going? Good? Great? Or do you feel like something is missing? If you’re looking for a way to level up your workouts or get a jumpstart on your goals, then it might be time to work with a personal trainer. Here are a few great reasons to work with a [...]

Is It Time To Work With A Personal Trainer?2022-01-06T12:19:52+00:00

3 Ways To Make Your Life More Playful


When was the last time you played? If it’s been a while, you’re not alone. Play is sometimes the last thing on our minds. Especially when there is work to be done, bills to be paid and chores to finish. But it turns out that making time to play has a positive effect on [...]

3 Ways To Make Your Life More Playful2022-01-12T09:58:29+00:00

Expand – Paint A Bigger Picture With A Broad Brush Using All The Colors


By Alan Shaw, Co-Founder and Head Coach of Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston, SC What a year it has been, friends.  I know this is a thing that people say, but it seems like 2021 moved at a clip that my brain could barely wrap itself around.  Still processing and licking our wounds from The Blip, [...]

Expand – Paint A Bigger Picture With A Broad Brush Using All The Colors2022-01-04T23:21:34+00:00
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