When you hear “corporate wellness” what comes to mind? Perhaps it’s a step challenge for a few dollars off your deductible or a discounted membership to a gym around the corner.

Corporate Wellness – What It Is (For Most)

By definition, corporate wellness is any workplace health promotion activity or policy designed to support healthy behavior in the workplace.

Despite the best intentions, for most it is no more than a box checked somewhere on the bottom half of a priority list, which is surprising considering that your company and its employees cannot afford to put health on the back burner.

According to the US Chamber of Commerce, the top two chronic conditions driving health-related costs for employers were depression and obesity. Employees who scored low on “life satisfaction” stayed home from work 1.25 more days per month than those with higher scores, adding up to about 15 additional days off per year.

On the other side of the spectrum, more than 60% of employers reported that workplace wellness programs reduced their organizations’ healthcare costs, and studies show that well-designed wellness programs have a return on investment of $1.50 to $3 per every dollar spent over a 2 to 9-year timeframe.

So why does corporate wellness fall flat with your team? For a healthy lifestyle to stick, someone must choose to live a healthier lifestyle, rather than being forced to do so. Wellness works best when the experience is a shared one, either through communal goals or a little healthy competition.

Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston

Corporate Wellness should cultivate workplace community.

Corporate Wellness – What It Should Be

Beyond screenings and counting steps, corporate wellness should be a proactive, engaging approach to complete health and wellness, mind body and soul, for your most valued assets – your employees.

It should cultivate workplace community.

It should be the first step towards a healthier, happier lifestyle for your employees and their families.

It should impact your bottom line with a more present, engaged and productive team.

It should decrease insurance costs with employees (and their families/co-insured) taking a proactive interest in their fitness and wellness.

It should be a competitive advantage and draw for attracting the top 1% of talent.

You Have My Attention – What Can Our Company Do?

You can make health and wellness a company priority worn like a badge of pride. You can cultivate a community based on health and fitness. You can use your corporate wellness program to become the Employer of Choice.

You can do all these things. We believe in you! And Rhapsody CrossFit in Downtown Charleston can help.

CrossFit brings us all together towards the pursuit of a common goal – to become your best, healthiest self.

Why CrossFit?

Yes, you heard us. CrossFit can be your gateway into corporate wellness wins.

Contrary to popular believe, CrossFit is designed to adapt to any and all levels of fitness – as long as you come with an open mind and ready to work, you will get stronger, faster and fitter.

Different people are also motivated by different things – CrossFit has a way of speaking to all of these motivations including physical fitness + weight management, personal challenges, healthy competition, team building, mental strength + stress relief, proper nutrition and even rest + recovery.

Despite all of these varying motivations, as a community, CrossFit brings us all together towards the pursuit of a common goal – to become your best, healthiest self. Now that’s a motivator your entire team can get behind that will serve them well as professionals and people.

Interested in learning more about Rhapsody CrossFit in Downtown Charleston, our Corporate Wellness Program and how we can adjust our approach to suit your company’s size and personality? Download the Rhapsody CrossFit Corporate Wellness Program Guide and contact Head Coach Alan Shaw today!

You can make health and wellness a company priority worn like a badge of pride. You can cultivate a community based on health and fitness. You can use your corporate wellness program to become the Employer of Choice.