Coming down south for higher education, Gina DiGiacomo has come into her own as a CrossFit athlete, College of Charleston student and incredible human being inside and outside the box.

What is your story?

Originally from Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, I was a competitive gymnast for most of my life up until the end of my sophomore year of high school when I had my second ACL surgery. Following many months of physical therapy, I began to enjoy the relationship between the physical therapist and the patient.

As I embarked on my new journey at the College of Charleston, I declared my major as exercise science. I have always been passionate about fitness, as well as the focus on keeping the body healthy. I know that I want to help those who are injured to get back where they want to be physically, similar to the way I was helped. As an exercise science major I will be able to take classes that will prepare me for graduate school to further my studies to then become a physical therapist.

Gina DiGiacomo at Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston.

What brought you to Rhapsody CrossFit?

After my gymnastics career ended due to repetitive injuries, I continued to search for an activity that challenged me physically and mentally, while working towards meeting my fitness goals. My sister shares the same enjoyment of working out and became a CrossFit coach. CrossFit used to intimidate me but after a great deal of her begging, I finally gave in and went to one of her classes to see what it was all about.

Just after one week, I immediately fell in love and caught the CrossFit “bug” as they say. CrossFit became a huge part of my life throughout the end of my high school career. As I thought about college, the one thing I was sure about was the fact that I needed to continue doing CrossFit. When I moved to Charleston this August, my sister and I looked up gyms and found Rhapsody CrossFit. My whole family came in and tried a class together – one of Rhapsody’s famous Sweaty Saturdays filled with fitness and fun. After meeting everyone and taking the class, I knew I had found my new home!

What have you gotten out of your experience with Rhapsody CrossFit?

I could not be more thankful to have found Rhapsody CrossFit and to have become a part of its community. Moving from Massachusetts to Charleston for college was a huge transition for me. And I have to say that going to Rhapsody has made that adjustment that much easier. I look forward to my time at Rhapsody each day – it is truly the best hour of my day. I am able to remove myself from the stressors of school and social life, and take part in something that I love. The coaching staff and members at the gym are amazing, and I look forward to seeing them each day as well. Being a part of Rhapsody has taught me the importance of taking care of oneself and has led me to meet so many caring people that have the same goals as me.

“I am also extremely grateful for Rhapsody CrossFit when it comes to my mental health growth.”

How does Rhapsody arm you to be better at what you do outside of the box – mentally and/or physically?

Rhapsody has truly impacted my life outside of the box. I have been a part of the Rhapsody community for about 6 months now, and I have grown both physically and mentally. The workouts challenge me each day. My body overall feels a lot stronger and more stable. Running has never been a strength for me, and on Thanksgiving this year I was able to complete a workout with a 5k built in at the end. Never did I imagine doing a great deal of running in one sitting, along with other movements before it. Even though I still have more physical long term goals to reach, I feel as if I have made a mini step forward.

I am also extremely grateful for Rhapsody CrossFit when it comes to my mental health growth. When I first started, I remember shutting down mid-workout and giving up on myself. After many conversations with either Alan, Stan or Trinity, I was able to put some goals into place and define the ways that I could achieve them. Now before each workout I tell myself, 1: That I can do this. And 2: Just put your head down and go to work. This has transferred over to my schoolwork and studying as well. Whenever I am overwhelmed by a great deal of assignments or a large exam to study for, I think of my techniques that I use at the gym to cope with these thoughts. I am able to believe in myself and get down to business.

Rhapsody has helped me gain confidence and believe in myself, and I cannot wait to continue to grow as a person through this awesome community at Rhapsody CrossFit in downtown Charleston. Join me for a class today

“I look forward to my time at Rhapsody each day – it is truly the best hour of my day.”