Guest post by Mollie Lipka, Rhapsody CrossFit Member

In the last and final installment of the humble, hungry, happy blog posts, we are going to tackle what may be the hardest characteristic to define and attain: happiness.

Aristotle said that “happiness is a state of activity”. We don’t know many happy people who sit at home all day. They may be content, yes – but are they thriving in happiness? Probably not. We are happiest when we are doing what we love and feel like we belong. When we set goals and go about actively pursuing them. When we have a healthy relationship with ourselves and others. When positivity outweighs negativity. We could go on and on.

This all sounds great, but happiness can be hard to come by in a world as crazy as ours. We often look to people or things to be the providers of happiness. This is, by and large, the biggest mistake we make when it comes to truly being happy.


Instead, we urge you to look at happiness in terms of a garden. We all have a plot in life, with varying degrees of know-how and tools in which to tend it. What we grow is entirely up to us and independent of who or what comes to the garden. And while we can’t always control the conditions that surround us, we can control how we handle them inside our adorable, happy little garden. (Yes, it likely has a gnome that provides silly, superficial happiness, but it is what’s forming deep below the ground that matters.)

The message here is to be an active participant in your happiness. Take control of your garden. Plant it, care for it and share it. Don’t allow others to take it from you. At Rhapsody, we have a community of truly happy athletes who plant, care and share every day. They stay physically active and actively engaged in their own happiness.

If these are the type of people you want to surround yourself with, join us for a free class today. Let’s get happy together!