

Points of Performance: The Front Rack Lunge


The lunge is a unilateral movement that can be done without weight or with dumbbells or a barbell. Lunges with weight can be done with the load in front of the body, overhead or racked behind the body. Not only are lunges of any variety great at developing leg strength, but they’re also great for [...]

Points of Performance: The Front Rack Lunge2025-02-26T23:54:48-05:00

Box Building – The Business Of Fitness


By Alan Shaw, Co-Founder and Head Coach of Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston, SC Welcome to Box Building! Follow Rhapsody Fitness Co-Founders Alan Shaw and Trinity Wheeler as they continue to build one of the fastest growing gyms in South Carolina. Answer the hard questions, explore various approaches, dive into strategy and share lessons learned [...]

Box Building – The Business Of Fitness2025-02-26T23:54:48-05:00

Adaptovate – Innovate So You Can Adapt


By Alan Shaw, Co-Founder and Head Coach of Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston, SC Welcome to Box Building! Follow Rhapsody Fitness Co-Founders Alan Shaw and Trinity Wheeler as they continue to build one of the fastest growing gyms in South Carolina. Answer the hard questions, explore various approaches, dive into strategy and share lessons learned that [...]

Adaptovate – Innovate So You Can Adapt2025-02-26T23:54:48-05:00

Benchmark: CrossFit Total


The CrossFit Total is a benchmark test of your functional strength. The three movements, the back squat, shoulder press and deadlift, represent movements you do in your daily life and paint a good picture of your total strength. The Workout Back Squat - 1RM Shoulder Press - 1RM Deadlift - 1RM For the CrossFit [...]

Benchmark: CrossFit Total2021-04-27T10:51:34-04:00

Points of Performance: The Back Squat


The points of performance for the back squat build on the air squat, which is one of CrossFit’s nine foundational movements. Taking the time to learn and perfect the points of performance of the air squat prepares you for squatting with heavier loads, like in the front squat, the overhead squat and the back squat. Points [...]

Points of Performance: The Back Squat2021-04-20T15:03:58-04:00

Rhapsody At Work – What Corporate Wellness Is, What It Can Be


When you hear “Corporate Wellness†what comes to mind? Perhaps it’s a step challenge for a few dollars off your deductible or a discounted membership to the globo-gym around the corner. By definition, Corporate Wellness is any workplace health promotion activity or policy designed to support healthy behavior in the workplace.  Despite the best [...]

Rhapsody At Work – What Corporate Wellness Is, What It Can Be2025-02-26T23:54:48-05:00

Benchmark: Filthy Fifty


Filthy Fifty is a benchmark CrossFit workout that’s categorized as a chipper, which means that you “chip away” at the reps (or rounds) until completing the workout in its entirety. The Workout For time: 50 Box Jumps (24/20 inches) 50 Jumping Pull-Ups 50 Kettlebell Swings (35/26 lb) 50 Walking Lunges 50 Knees to Elbows [...]

Benchmark: Filthy Fifty2021-04-14T13:27:29-04:00

Points of Performance: The Medicine Ball Clean


The medicine ball clean is one of nine foundational movements found in CrossFit. This movement will teach you how to move weight from the ground effectively and efficiently. The skills and concepts of the medicine ball clean form the foundation for more advanced barbell movements, such as the Clean and the Snatch. Points Of [...]

Points of Performance: The Medicine Ball Clean2021-04-05T10:50:01-04:00

Benchmark: Fight Gone Bad


Fight Gone Bad is another classic benchmark CrossFit WOD. In this workout, you’ll get a healthy dose of high-intensity work to test your physical and mental fitness. The Workout 3 rounds: 1 minute of Wall Balls (20/14 lbs) 1 minute of Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75/55 lbs) 1 minute of Box Jumps (20 in) [...]

Benchmark: Fight Gone Bad2021-03-25T03:55:39-04:00

Training And Competing: Know The Difference, Embrace The 90% + Break The Cycle


By Alan Shaw, Co-Founder and Head Coach of Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston, SC I love the word “train†because it is nearly synonymous with “teach.†When you train, you are taking a progressive approach to educating yourself and enhancing your performance from skills and drills to mindset and strategy.  Training is what we do [...]

Training And Competing: Know The Difference, Embrace The 90% + Break The Cycle2025-02-26T23:54:48-05:00
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