The lunge is a unilateral movement that can be done without weight or with dumbbells or a barbell. Lunges with weight can be done with the load in front of the body, overhead or racked behind the body.

Not only are lunges of any variety great at developing leg strength, but they’re also great for pointing out any potential imbalances. Because lunges work each leg individually, you’ll notice any discrepancies between the left and right sides.

Points-of-Performance-The-Front-Rack-Lunge-Demo-1-Rhapsody-FitnessPoints of Performance: The Front Rack Lunge

Whether you’re doing lunges with no weight or with a load, the points of performance are similar. Here are some things to focus on in the front rack lunge using a barbell.

Starting Position

Hold the barbell at shoulder height with the elbows high.

Step Forward

Step one leg forward and keep the heel of the forward leg down. Lower the torso until the back knee lightly touches the ground. Keep the shin on the forward leg vertical.

Points-of-Performance-The-Front-Rack-Lunge-Demo-2-Rhapsody-FitnessReturn to Start

Drive into the heel of the front foot to bring the feet back together and return to full hip and knee extension. Begin the next step with the opposite leg.

A Few More Tips

  • With the bar racked in front of your body, make sure you’re keeping your core tight, the upper body active and elbows high.
  • As you step forward into each lunge, your body is going to want to follow your foot and lean forward – especially with the weight of the barbell in front of you. Keep your torso upright throughout each lunge.
  • After lunging forward, drive through the front heel to bring your feet back together. Avoid driving or pushing into your toes.

To learn more about Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston and our range of programs, get in touch with Team Rhapsody today.