Have you ever thought of something you needed to do and told yourself, “I’ll remember to do that.†Only to forget all about it. Pretty sure we’ve all been there.
No matter how much we want to do something or how important it is, without writing it down, it may never happen. This is why your odds of accomplishing a goal increase when you write them down. In fact, your chances of success go up 42% when you write goals down (source).
But why? What’s the magical force behind writing down a goal? Here are five reasons to make sure you write it down:
1. You define what you really want.
Writing down a goal forces you to be specific about what you want. It can also help point out that you’re not as excited about chasing a goal as you thought. You might get halfway through writing down a goal, only to discover, “Hey, I don’t really want this thing after all. I just thought I did.â€
2. You inspire action.
Once you write down your goals, they’re no longer thoughts floating around in your head. You’ve written down what you want, and now the next step is to take action.
3. You create a single point of focus.
Not only does writing down your goals help you define what you want, but it also enables you to focus your energy. Rather than trying to tackle a jumble of ideas all at the same time, you create a single point of focus. And your chances for success increase.
4. You free up some mental space.
Writing things down frees up valuable mental space. Rather than holding your goals in your mental memory, getting them down on paper lets you use that space for other thoughts and ideas.
5. You figure out what’s realistic.
Setting ambitious goals gives you a challenge to work toward. But sometimes your ambition is unrealistic or not attainable at this point. Seeing your goal on paper can help you realize when you’re being a little too ambitious. You may just need to adjust your timeline and expectations for when you plan to accomplish your goal.
Bonus Steps:
Once you write down your goals, here are a few bonus steps to bring you closer to making it happen:
- Outline a plan for how you’ll achieve your goal. Break this plan down into as many steps as necessary.
- Attach a deadline to your goal. If that deadline is several months away, set mini-deadlines for yourself and use these as checkpoints in the future.
- Keep track of your progress. Once you write out your goals, also keep a record of each workout, project, or daily step you take to bring you closer to success.
At Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston, you’ll find a community where you’ll fit right in. We’re here to help you push your fitness to levels that you didn’t think were possible. Schedule your first free class today.