By Adam McElveen, Rhapsody CrossFit Member

I am back, baby, and better than ever! I few months ago, I shared my story with you all of starting my Rhapsody CrossFit journey despite being in the throws of chemotherapy to treat Stage III Colon Cancer.

Sorry to leave you all in suspense as I drove the struggle bus full throttle through six rounds of treatment, while staying the course as a full-time operating room nurse and doing my darndest to make it to at least four CrossFit classes a week.

I am happy to report that I finished my last round of chemo and received the final word that I am officially CANCER FREE! It has been a journey, friends, but I am happy to say I am humbled by the love and support that surrounds me and hungry for what lies ahead.

The days after treatment were the hardest. Finding myself unable to lift more weight or move faster as my fellow Rhapsody members sailed on felt like being kicked when I was already in the fetal position on the floor. I was frustrated by having to stop and catch my breath or being overwhelmed by swells of nausea.

I had to learn to wipe my chin, clear my vision and pick that barbell right back up.

After the third treatment, my fingers and toes started to suffer from nerve damage, which is yet another side-effect from the chemotherapy drugs. This was definitely an unexpected development, but I continued to tell myself that this thing would not beat me nor would it define me – I might not be able to control the side effects of chemo, but I could control perfecting my form, improving my strength and, ultimately, showing up one day after another.


This journey taught me many things and opened up infinite possibilities to expand my renewed passion for health and fitness. Taking stock of where I started, how far I progressed during the dark days of treatment and how much potential I have for tomorrow is exhilarating.

Now that chemo treatments are behind me, I am already making great strides in strength and stamina with new personal records and wins week after week.

To celebrate, I joined the largest fitness competition in the world, the 2019 CrossFit Games Open, to remind myself what I accomplished despite the struggles and set a benchmark for me to beat next year.

My best is yet to come and I couldn’t be more thrilled. Special thanks and extra sweaty hugs to Team Rhapsody and my Rhapsody CrossFit community who have been, and will be, in my corner every rep of the way.

Interested in learning more about this incredible Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston crew I keep gushing about? Drop in for our next Sweaty Saturday where all fitness levels are welcome regardless of previous CrossFit experience. For Charleston residents, your first class is free!