When looking for ways to get the most out of your training, the warm-up may not be the first thing you think about. But approaching the warm-up with intention will have a significant effect on your performance.

Why Warm-Up?

When you show up to work out, you don’t want to shock your body into having a good workout. Instead, use the warm-up to gradually prepare your body and your mind for the WOD.

A proper warm-up:

  • Increases mobility and loosens up the joints
  • Increases your heart rate and body temperature
  • Prevents injury
  • Progresses from general movements to specific exercises

Try to get as much as you can out of the first 10 to 15 minutes of a workout. If you aren’t fully committed to the warm-up, then you’re missing out on the benefits. And your performance might suffer.

Rather than going through the motions, approach the warm-up as you would the workout itself. Here are a few things to focus on:


Focus on loosening up the joints that you’ll use in the workout. Or, if you tend to have tight shoulders or hips, spend extra time mobilizing these areas.

Physical Preparation

Don’t be afraid to bring your heart rate up during the warm-up. While it’s not quite time to go all out, you still want to increase the intensity gradually, so you’re not spending the first five or so minutes of the WOD still warming up. The warm-up is also when you should dial in the points of performance for each movement that is programmed in the WOD.

Injury Prevention

Taking the time to loosen up your joints and increase blood flow to your muscles helps to prevent injury. If there are dynamic, quick movements in the WOD, you want to make sure that you’re ready for those as well. Trying to move quickly without preparing your body could lead to a painful (or slower) outcome.

Mental Preparation

A good warm-up benefits your mind as much as it benefits your body. You might need a few extra minutes to transition from daily life to focus on the WOD you’re about to do. Without that transition time, you may not be as engaged with the workout as you’d like to be.

To learn more about Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston and our range of programs, get in touch with Team Rhapsody today.