By Alan Shaw, Co-Owner and Head Coach of Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston

As a CrossFit coach, you can be pulled in a thousand and five directions at any given time. From helping an athlete fine tune her clean to mopping sweat equity off the floor, every minute of every day demands attention from all angles.

In the context of this reality, it’s critical to have a North Star that brings you back to center amidst the noise – for Rhapsody Fitness, that is our commitment to educate, entertain and inspire our community.


Perhaps the clearest cut of our guiding principles, as a coach it is my job to teach – to teach you proper form, fluid movement, safe technique and how to find your edge.

My ultimate goal is to leave you better than I found you with the essential knowledge you need to understand your body and enhance functional fitness. Every athlete presents a unique puzzle of skill, fortitude and opportunity – it’s my job to educate you on how to become your best self.

“To be successful as a coach, I must inspire you.”


Anyone who has joined us for a Rhapsody Fitness class knows that it is my personal mission to put a smile on your face at some point during the workout.

I have no shame in how I make this happen either – I dig a good dad joke, I poke fun at myself, I do the can-can to show a Spanish wrap (got to put that Broadway background to good use…) and this merely scratches the surface of how far I’m willing to go to crack you up.

Why? Because I believe that CrossFit is a celebration – of what you can do today and what you are capable of tomorrow. My mission is for every member to leave any stress and pressure at the door for the best hour of the day with us.

To take the weight of the world off your shoulders, if even for a moment, I have to entertain you.


The most challenging, yet rewarding, role I play as your coach is to inspire you. Starting with the goals you set for yourself, I must believe in your ability to achieve them even when you are in doubt.

I believe you can get a pull up. I believe you can hit a new personal record. I believe you can. I need you to believe you can too.

I must push you to stay the course, remind you of your potential and celebrate your wins with you. To be successful as a coach, I must inspire you.

Despite the constant whirlwind of demands and distraction, these core principals keep me on the right path as your coach.

Interested in learning more about how Rhapsody Fitness educates, entertains and inspires everyday at our gym in Charleston? Drop in for our next Sweaty Saturday where all fitness levels are welcome regardless of previous CrossFit experience. For Charleston residents, your first class is free!

“CrossFit is a celebration – of what you can do today and what you are capable of tomorrow.”