A blue rectangular background with a white border.If you stick to the same workout routine, eventually the lack of variety can hinder your progress. Here are three rut-busting tips to help you finagle and get past a workout funk:

1. Switch Things Up

Building a consistent routine is excellent for creating sustainable habits. But over time, that same old, same old routine can start to feel monotonous and your motivation begins to fade.

To maintain a consistent and healthy workout habit that is more exciting than boring, find ways to switch things up. If you always go to class at the same time, try a new time for a week or two. Or if your gym offers programs in addition to CrossFit, like a barbell or running club, try it out.

2. Set New Goals

When was the last time you thought about or revisited your fitness goals? If it’s been a while, now is a good time to either set new goals or refresh the goals you’ve set in the past.

Goals can help you get beyond a rut because a clear purpose provides direction to what you do in the gym. Rather than just showing up and going through the motions, goals give you something to work toward.

3. Take on a New Challenge

When you feel like you’re stuck in the same place and no longer getting results, it can help to take on a new challenge. You can challenge yourself with something completely new, like mastering a movement like double unders or your first muscle-up.

Or maybe your challenge is getting back to the basics. Revisiting the building blocks and foundational movements can remind you of where you started, how far you’ve come and what you might be ready to tackle next.

We’re here to support you on your fitness journey. If you’re stuck in a fitness rut, we’d love to help you breathe new life into your routine. To learn more about how to get started at Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston, contact us today.