A blue rectangular background with a white border.If you’re a new athlete who’s just getting started with CrossFit, first, welcome to the community. We know there is a lot to learn. So here are some common mistakes that you might make as a new athlete, as well as suggestions on how to handle them.

1. You focus on intensity before technique.

Starting a new workout or training program is exciting! And that excitement might make you gloss over some of the fundamental skills that your coaches keep bringing up. Some new athletes want to dive right into high-intensity workouts and worry about form and technique later. We promise – the intensity isn’t going anywhere. Take the time now to focus on learning the basics, and your body will thank you later.

2. You ramp up too quickly.

As we said, a new workout program is exciting, and it’s easy to get caught up in that excitement. You might find yourself making plans to “work out every single day” and tack on extra workouts on the weekends. When you’re new, you might have to make a special effort to hold back a little bit. Going from one or two workouts to seven workouts is quite a big jump. Give your body (and your mind) time to adjust, as well as get some rest.

3. You compare yourself to “that girl” or “that guy”.

Casually observing other people as you’re warming up or working out can quickly turn into full-blown comparison. And it probably won’t feel that good. You might find yourself comparing what you can or can’t do to someone with entirely different goals than yours. Be aware of your thoughts and focus on your own personal goals and improvement.

4. You feel silly about scaling.

Some new athletes see the workout written on the whiteboard and end up feeling like a failure if they can’t do every single element as prescribed. But scaling doesn’t make you “less of” an athlete; it makes you a smart athlete. Scaling is a sign that you know your limits and your capabilities.

5. You get frustrated about not being perfect.

As a new athlete, make sure that you’re setting realistic expectations for yourself. If you find that you’re getting frustrated over things that you can’t do (yet), check-in with those expectations. Remind yourself that you’re a beginner and that you’re going through a learning process that will have plenty of opportunities for growth. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about committing to the process of improvement.

6. You assume that you have to compete.

Once you start training, make sure that you’re sticking to the goals that are relevant to what you want to get out of your workouts. Some new athletes get caught up in the idea that they must compete. Because everyone competes, right? Not necessarily. Those who want to and enjoy competing will. But it’s not at all a requirement.

7. You hold back questions.

It’s not uncommon for new athletes to hold back on asking questions. And if you ask a question, then everyone will know that you’re the new guy or girl who doesn’t have it all figured out. Surprise! No one has it all figured out. And asking questions can help you, and those around you get better.

To learn more about Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston and our range of programs, get in touch with Team Rhapsody today.