After a slow start, Theo Longenecker lets some Rhapsody into his life right as he was starting to lose hope on finding his community in Charleston.

What is your story? 

My name is Theo and I recently graduated from the College of Charleston. I studied public health and I currently work for SCDHEC, the South Carolina Health Department. 

In high school, I was the captain of the wrestling team, soccer team and cross country team. 

I have lived in Charleston for 3 years and I have been a member at Rhapsody for 2 years. 

What brought you to Rhapsody? 

A blue rectangular background with a white border.

Jamie Black and Theo Longenecker at Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston, SC.

After working out with my roommate at the College of Charleston gym, I decided that I wanted to get more out of my workouts. I was not worried about bulking up or hitting new PRs, I was more interested in functional fitness and staying active. 

I ran my first Spartan Race in 2019 and I fell in love with the sport of Obstacle Course Racing (OCR). 

I Googled CrossFit gyms near me and Rhapsody popped up. After a few free classes, I signed up for a monthly membership. Attending classes here and there, I was enjoying my time but not really investing. I would show up for class, sweat for an hour and then bike home without talking to anyone.

I saw Rhapsody as a fun workout but nothing more. But in August 2020, all of my college friends graduated and moved out of Charleston. I was left with no community and decided to try making friends at the gym. 

What have you gotten out of your experience with Rhapsody? 

I started attending the 5AM class because it was the only one that had open spots when class sizes were limited for COVID. Slowly, but surely, I started making friends and working out became the highlight of my day. I put in some effort and found like-minded people with similar goals. 

Up to that point, I had not really met anyone who shared my interests in Charleston and I found Rhapsody right when I was starting to lose hope.

Rhapsody used to be a gym I had to attend so that I could lift, run and sweat. I appreciated the quality equipment and the pristine facility. Over time, Rhapsody transformed into a second home that I now get to attend so that I can laugh, learn and develop new skills. 

Since moving to Charleston, joining Rhapsody has been the best decision I’ve made. Taking the risk and stepping out of my comfort zone paid off immensely and my life would be radically different without this place. 

I am hooked on CrossFit, and now I am starting to take the sport more seriously. I would really love to progress my skills and hopefully compete. 

What has being a part of the Rhapsody community meant to you? 

Having a community of individuals around me who are working towards the same goal is so important. 

Going out for drinks or socializing with friends from the gym is great because we know that we will all be waking up early to attend Sweaty Saturday together. Having a friend who will text you the night before a particularly difficult workout to hold you accountable goes a long way. Having a network of friends that come from all different walks of life is also a huge asset.

I know that I could ask anyone from the gym for help in a time of need. 

We take care of each other. We look out for one another. We are family. We are Rhapsody. 

Let some Rhapsody into your life. To learn more about Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston and our wide range of programs, get in touch with Team Rhapsody today.

A blue rectangular background with a white border.

Theo Longenecker at Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston, SC.