MY RHAPSODY: From an unhappy emotional eater to a vivacious athlete, Jennifer Bellini shares her journey of reclaiming joy, finding strength and challenging herself with Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston.

Jennifer Bellini at Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston, SC.

What is your story?

In my late 30’s I found myself 40 pounds overweight due to extreme emotional eating. I woke up one day, looked at myself in the mirror and thought – this is my life?! I was unhappy physically, mentally and emotionally. I knew I had to make changes if I wanted to feel good about myself, and I realized I was the only one who could make me happy.

Then and there, I made some major life decisions to move forward in my journey to become healthier and happier. I joined a local fitness studio, hired a personal trainer, learned how to eat clean and did a metric ton of personal development.

It took me a couple of years, but I lost all my excess weight, started to gain muscle mass and completely transformed my mindset about eating and life all together. I am proud to say that I have maintained a clean healthy lifestyle now for almost 4 years!

What brought you to Rhapsody CrossFit?

My boyfriend, Keith, actually came home from his first class at Rhapsody, and told me I just had to try a class. I was real hesitant at first because all I could think about was how intimidating CrossFit appeared to me, and I didn’t have any experience.

My perception of CrossFit was a big warehouse smelling of sweat, filled with super muscular athletes, and workouts way out of my league. However, I tried my first Rhapsody CrossFit class and I was immediately addicted.

Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston, SC.

“I love the feeling I get when I accept the challenge!” – Jennifer Bellini

What have you gotten out of your experience with Rhapsody CrossFit?

I have learned so much about my personal strength, stamina and drive to become a better athlete. CrossFit workouts are challenging me in so many different ways. If you told me three months ago I would be climbing ropes, performing ring dips, back squatting heavy ass weight, jumping on 30’ boxes, snatching barbells over my head, doing double-unders and much more, I would have laughed!

Starting with zero experience and watching my growth in all aspects of CrossFit, it’s not only an amazing feeling of accomplishment but a dose of humility, which leaves me wanting to strive to reach bigger goals.

The determination and mindset required to complete the daily CrossFit WODs can take some digging – when going for that PR or trying a new exercise it can be extremely humbling, and I love the feeling I get when I accept the challenge!

What has being a part of the Rhapsody CrossFit community meant to you?

I absolutely love the Rhapsody CrossFit community. From the moment I walked through the doors I felt so welcomed. I am accepted by everyone for who I am; there is no judgment. The community cultivates a healthy competitive environment. All the members are so friendly and inviting. The staff takes the time to get to know you as a person and as an athlete. They support and encourage you, while pushing you to become the best version of yourself!

Follow Jennifer’s fitness journey here.

Join us at Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston for a free class today to start your own personal journey!

Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston, SC.

“They support and encourage you, while pushing you to become the best version of yourself!” – Jennifer Bellini