From woodworking to working out, Andrew Murray shares his story on finding community with Rhapsody CrossFit.

What is your story?

I’m originally from Florida and went to App State to study furniture design for a year. Some plans changed and I was unable to continue my degree there. I found out about the Charleston Woodworking School nine-month intensive course and moved here to enroll. 

Since graduating in June, I’ve learned furniture making, advanced joinery, hand-carving and was taught by world class artists including Ashley Harwood and Mary May.

“Social motivation is an extremely powerful tool…”

What brought you to Rhapsody CrossFit? 

I was tired of being out of shape and lacked the motivation to change that on my own. I also firmly believe that community is foundational for someone’s well being. 

Having just moved to town, I knew I’d find great people at a CrossFit gym. 

What have you gotten out of your experience with Rhapsody CrossFit? 

Since joining, I’ve never been in better shape and I love the community that comes with it. It’s easy to have a rough day at work and let that define how your day went, but adding a WOD to that day and giving it your all with great people around you can really change your entire perspective. 

What has being a part of the Rhapsody CrossFit community meant to you? 

Oddly enough, community. I could look up these WODs on my own and act like I have the self-discipline to do them every day but that’s just not reality. I need a community, a family to do it alongside me. 

Social motivation is an extremely powerful tool that can be used to better yourself and I’m glad to have found a community where that’s encouraged. 

Andrew, you are a stellar example of what it means to be tenacious and talented both at work and while working out – thank you for raising the bar among our Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston community! To get your sweat on with Andrew, sign up for your first class today!