My Rhapsody: Kim Schneider shares her story about starting her days right with Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston.

What is your story?

I grew up in Hong Kong until I came to the US for college when I was 18. I went to Elon University for my undergrad.

After graduation, I had my “rebel year” in which I moved to NYC. I found out real quick that place is quite expensive and a new college grad (…who didn’t really know what she wanted to do with her life) should probably not be living there.

A blue rectangular background with a white border.

“Being a part of the Rhapsody community is so much more than just being a part of a gym – it is being a part of a family.”

So, I started applying to grade school for education and that’s where Charleston came into play. I moved to Charleston about four years ago to get my masters in education and immediately fell in love with the city. I have been here ever since. Today, I’m a kindergarten teacher at a Title I school in North Charleston.

When it comes to my health and fitness history, I’ve always played sports from volleyball to softball to rugby. I love staying active. My sophomore year of college, my mom and I heard about this new gym, CrossFit 77, opening up in Mooresville, NC where we spend our summers. We had no idea what CrossFit was, but ever since trying that first class I’ve been hooked.

What brought you to Rhapsody CrossFit?

When Rhapsody had their grand opening event last year my roommate, Clare Kelly, and I wanted to see what all the hype was about with this new CrossFit gym coming to Charleston.

After that first workout and talking to Trinity and Alan, we both looked at each other and said, “where do we sign up?”. The gym along with those two and their amazingly crazy personalities made me fall in love with all of Rhapsody right then.

What have you gotten out of your experience with Rhapsody CrossFit?

You can’t find a gym like this anywhere else. Most of the time, I come to the 5AM class to start my day and put me in a good mood before dealing with 20 five-year-olds. Whether it’s Elizabeth, Stan, Alan or Owen coaching, Team Rhapsody always encourages, challenges and pushes me to do my best (even at o’dark hundred in the morning).

Living a healthy and happy life is so important to me, and waking up at 5AM to come to this amazing place is exactly what does it.

What has being a part of the Rhapsody CrossFit community meant to you?

Being a part of the Rhapsody community is so much more than just being a part of a gym – it is being a part of a family.

People are constantly cheering you on whether you’ve just met them or you’ve known them for months. Being a part of Rhapsody drives me to be a better person because I am surrounded by so many amazing people who keep me motivated and push me to be my best. That’s what I love so much about it.

It’s the place I most look forward to being each day. I walk in knowing that when I walk out an hour later I’m going to be feeling great and be ready to take on the day.

To connect with Shebeasts like Kim and get in on this Rhapsody feeling, sign up for your first class today!