When you hear “Corporate Wellness†what comes to mind? Perhaps it’s a step challenge for a few dollars off your deductible or a discounted membership to the globo-gym around the corner.

By definition, Corporate Wellness is any workplace health promotion activity or policy designed to support healthy behavior in the workplace. 

Despite the best intentions and countless studies showing that employee health is well worth the investment, for most organizations Corporate Wellness is often the last box checked.  

A blue rectangular background with a white border.

Corporate Wellness at Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston, SC.

This is surprising considering that illness comes at quite a cost. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the top five chronic diseases + risk factors – high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, physical inactivity and obesity – cost US employers $36.4 billion a year due to missed work days and lost time. In the US alone, the cost of illness at work reaches an estimated $2.2 trillion annually representing 12% of our GDP.

Conversely, a Global Wellness Institute survey found that upwards of 80% of US companies believe that Corporate Wellness programs reduce absenteeism and increase productivity saving money and garnering return on investment. 

So if the numbers show that illness is expensive and wellness programs work, then why do they fall flat? Simply put, for a healthy lifestyle to stick, someone must make that choice to opt in rather than being forced to do so. 

Wellness works best when the experience is a shared one, either through communal goals or a little healthy competition.


Beyond screenings and counting steps, Corporate Wellness can be a proactive, engaging team effort towards complete health and wellness, mentally and physically, among your most valued assets – your employees.

  • It can cultivate a workplace community.
  • It can be the first step towards a healthier, happier lifestyle for your employees and their families.
  • It can impact your bottom line with a more present, engaged and productive team.
  • It can decrease insurance costs with employees (and their families/co-insured) taking a proactive interest in their fitness and wellness.
  • It can be a competitive advantage and draw for attracting the top 1% of talent.


As we said before, wellness starts with a choice and the first one is with you as a business owner. 

You can choose to make health and wellness a company priority worn like a badge of pride. You can choose to cultivate a community based on health and fitness. You can choose to leverage your Corporate Wellness program to attract top-tier talent.

If you make the choice, Rhapsody Fitness can help make it happen. 


You are building a healthy corporate culture – we are building healthy people. Let’s work together. From the start-up or small business to established firms, Rhapsody Fitness will partner with your organization to create a custom package to suit your team.

Beyond screenings and counting steps, Rhapsody can speak to health and wellness motivations across the board from physical fitness and weight management to team building and mental health. 

With infinite scaling options and progressions, our program is flexible and approachable for anyone regardless of their current fitness level.

Whether it’s bringing the party to you with an onsite workshop or developing a custom employee membership package, we are here to create the custom plan to suit you and your team.

Visit us online to learn more about Rhapsody’s Corporate Wellness Program.