Who We Are

Located in the heart of Charleston, Rhapsody CrossFit offers premier coaching focused on developing a safe and supportive environment for new and experienced CrossFit members. Our core mission is to help members achieve their personal fitness goals, which include weight loss, fighting chronic disease, improved athletic performance and increased physical and mental strength resulting in living life to the fullest potential. Our community-first dynamic promotes accountability and creates an exciting environment in which to change lives.

Are you the kind of coach who puts confidence and technique before speed and competitiveness? Do you believe that CrossFit is for everyone, but not just anyone? Do you agree that a strong community is the cornerstone of any successful CrossFit gym? Read on!

Rhapsody CrossFit is expanding its coaching team with a coach who has serious CrossFit chops, will integrate seamlessly with our carefully curated community and embodies our core values.

Who You Are

You are humble, hungry and people smart. Eighteen or older with at least 500 coaching hours under your belt and hold a CrossFit Level 2 Trainer Certificate. As a coach, you are meticulous about proper form to the extent that your athletes joke about you having eyes in the back of your head. As a team player, when you see a need, you step in to help regardless of hierarchy. You are innately curious about all things CrossFit and are constantly digging into the latest and greatest techniques, progressions, motivators and more.

When it comes to your athletes, you are empathetic and encouraging knowing when and how to push depending on the unique rapport you’ve built with each and every one of your clients. You pride yourself on building a genuine connection that extends well beyond the gym walls and are committed to bettering the mind, body and spirit of any trainee in your charge. When they win, you win.

You have at least 10 hours a week to commit to a coaching position and are based in the Greater Charleston Area.

What You’ll Do

You will serve as a Coach for Rhapsody CrossFit. More specifically you will:

  • Instruct at least 2 classes per day for 5 days a week
  • Arrive 15+ minutes prior and stay 15+ minutes after class to prep and interact with members
  • Collaborate with fellow coaches on observations, recommendations, ideas and more with the ultimate goal of enhancing the member experience
  • Jump in on facility management as needed – checking people in, light cleaning between classes, etc…

What Will Excite Us

  • Additional certifications or demonstrated experience in areas such as Olympic Lifting, Adaptive Training, CrossFit Kids, Masters, Gymnastics, Nutrition etc…
  • A curated client following of your own – bonus points for speaking to the why and how behind your community
  • Social media and marketing savvy

The Details

The candidate will undergo a 30-day probationary period under which he or she will shadow and be shadowed by the Head Coach. Compensation during the probationary period starts at $20 per class. Following the probationary period, compensation will start at $25 per class based on qualifications and coaching experience. Personal training opportunities available and Rhapsody Unlimited Membership included with the position. The position also has an option for additional ancillary/operations support at $12 per hour if the candidate is interested.

To apply, submit your resume and a brief essay describing why you would be the best fit for our community based on the description above – bonus points for tying in our core values. Applicants should submit to Alan Shaw at [email protected].