By Alan Shaw, Co-Owner and Head Coach of Rhapsody CrossFit

Sweat. In the world of fitness, drips and drops are a universal symbol of work – whether you think of it as equity in or weakness out, sweat is the first sign that you showed up.

At Rhapsody CrossFit, we are so big on starting with a solid sweat session that we built an entire program around it – Rhapsody Sweat.

Beyond a boot camp, Rhapsody Sweat is an endurance-centric program that includes all of your favorite movements from CrossFit minus the barbell. Focusing on agility and bodyweight exercises with accessory work, no prior fitness experience is required to jump in to this high-energy workout designed to get the blood pumping, heart rate up and, above all, sweat dripping.

For CrossFit Athletes

Calling out my dear CrossFitters, make no mistake that Rhapsody Sweat will build your strength and stamina even though it does not involve Olympic Lifting. In fact, adding a Sweat class into your weekly CrossFit regimen is one of my first recommendations for switching up stimuli and focusing on the aerobic capacity you need to slay your WODs.

Even though this program does not involve a barbell, it does employ abundant accessory work including dumbbells, kettlebells, wall balls and more. Long short, you will build that muscle while focusing on your hustle, which is instrumental for enhancing your ability to cycle the barbell, move efficiently and challenge your edge.

For New Members

For those of you new to CrossFit, or fitness in general, Rhapsody Sweat is where I want you to start. Yes, we will get our workout on and, as the name implies, you’ll have a good glisten going when you’re done, but this class is also an ideal place for dipping your toe into the Rhapsody CrossFit waters.

You’ll meet our coaching team, get comfortable in our facility, learn some fundamentals and, most importantly, have a chance to introduce yourself to our warm, wonderful community of members. Even though we will be getting our workout on, the movements and accessories used in this program are approachable and adaptable regardless of fitness level or prior experience.

As with most things, my obsession with Rhapsody Sweat is easier to show than tell. Join me at 9AM Monday through Friday and get your sweat on. If you are new to Rhapsody CrossFit and a Charleston local, your first class is on me.