What Is Your Goal? 5 Tips To Achieve Your CrossFit Goals

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What Is Your Goal? 5 Tips To Achieve Your CrossFit Goals


A blue rectangular background with a white border.People start CrossFit for a variety of reasons. No matter if your goal is to enhance your health and longevity, improve your athletic performance, lose weight or look good naked, you might be wondering what you can do to increase your chances of achieving success.

Here are five tips to help you achieve your personal CrossFit goals:

1. Keep Your Goals Visible

When it comes to goals, we sometimes start with the best intentions. But our follow-through is where we fall apart. To help keep your goals at the front of your mind, write them down and keep them someplace visible. Write your goals on a sticky note and put it on your bathroom mirror. Or post them on your refrigerator. Find a place that you’re likely to see your goals multiple times throughout the day.

2. Share Your Goals With Someone

Sharing your goals with a training buddy, coach, close friend or a family member creates an outside source of accountability. Once you tell someone else about your goals, they’ll probably check-in with you in the future to ask how you’re doing. Knowing that people care about you and your goals enough to check-in can help you stay motivated to keep making progress and provide them with a positive update.

3. Make a Plan

Once you set a goal, the next thing you want to do is figure out the steps you’ll take to achieve it. Take some time to layout the process that will help you reach your goal. Include as many details as necessary, like how often you’ll work out, your intensity level, any skill work, recovery days and all the other pieces that will play a role in your success.

4. Be Consistent

Once you have your plan in place, do your best to follow that plan consistently. Remember that consistency doesn’t mean that you must train hard every single day. Instead, it means doing your best to stick to the plan you’ve created.

5. Focus on the Process

Goals are tools that help you focus your training and steer in a specific direction. However, if you find yourself thinking too far ahead of your current fitness or performance level, you might lose sight of how important the process is. As you work toward your goal, try to stay focused on the process rather than the outcome. What can you do today, or even right now, to get closer to your goal? And remember, as long as you keep putting in the daily practice, the results will come.

To learn more about how to get started on achieving your goals with Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston,contact ustoday!


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