
Head Coach Alan Shaw at Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston, SC.

Beginning or ramping up your training program can come with a lot of energy and motivation that gets you through each and every workout and has you somehow hungry for more. With that drive, it’s important to remember that rest can be just as important as the exercise itself, and sometimes that can be a difficult reality to face.

Push yourself too hard and suddenly you’ll find yourself burnt out, injured, or too exhausted to continue on. So, when does it make sense to rest over moving forward with your workouts?


There are three warning signs you’ll need to pay attention to if you find yourself on a rigorous or exhaustive workout plan. The first is fatigue. If you find yourself lagging throughout the day or using poor form during your workouts, it may be due to muscle fatigue that could lead to injury.


That leads us to the second sign. Injury is a certain sign that you should quit using whatever muscle or joint that’s ailing you. Now, this doesn’t always mean that you should stop working out altogether, but focusing on another type of exercise that doesn’t utilize the injured muscle as much can suffice for the duration of your injury.


The third sign is a lack of willpower. Humans utilize willpower like a muscle, and in that sense, it can become exhausted and ultimately lead to slip-ups. If you find yourself getting to a point where every single workout feels like a dreaded chore, take a day off. Yes, working out and bettering yourself can be tough, but it should also be fun, and if you find the joy being sucked out of every workout it may be time for a small break. After all, it’s better to take a small break now than have a big falling out with your routine due to burnout.

Resting is a huge part of any workout plan. When you’re not resting, hopefully we find you here at Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston. If you’re interested in finding out more about who we are and what we’re about, join us for a free class today!