As part of the Rhapsody community, you’ll find a supportive training environment where you can reach your health and fitness goals. We’re dedicated to raising the bar, and we have a few tools in our toolbox to help in this process.
Here is everything you need to know about two of those tools: Zen Planner and SugarWOD.
Tool #1: Zen Planner – Manage Your Rhapsody CrossFit Membership
After you’ve added the Zen Planner Member App to your device, create or login to your account. Once you’re logged in, you’ll be able to:
- View the Rhapsody CrossFit class schedule
- Personalize your profile
- Purchase memberships
- Pay your bill and manage your payment information
- View your attendance history
- Shop online at Shop Rhapsody
Once you have a Rhapsody CrossFit membership, you’ll automatically be added to SugarWOD, as well.
Tool #2 – SugarWOD – View and Track Your Workouts + Hang Out with the Rhapsody CrossFit Community
First, make sure you’ve downloaded the SugarWOD app. It’s free! Login to your account and add Rhapsody as your gym. Then, start keeping track of your workouts and connect with other members of the Rhapsody CrossFit community.
Log your workouts.
When you’re ready to log your result, the SugarWOD app makes it easy to add your score/time/rounds/weights, etc. There is also a place where you can include Notes. Use this space to keep track of any modifications you made to the workout, recommendations for what you could do differently the next time, some notes on how you felt, or even what the environment was like.
We love it when you log your workouts! Not only does it allow our coaching staff to view your results and progress over time, but it also helps us continue to provide you with quality programming and effective workouts!
Track your progress.
Speaking of progress, by taking just a few moments to record your weights, reps, and times after each workout, you get closer to achieving your goals. And by keeping track of all your workouts in SugarWOD, it’s easy to look back on past benchmark workouts or find your last PR on a specific lift.
If you’re not sure if you’re making any progress, then it’s time to start collecting some data. Tracking your workouts with concrete, measurable data is your key to long term success.
Give some fist bumps.
Encourage other members of the Rhapsody CrossFit community by giving your workout buddies some post-workout fist bumps. From the Rhapsody Whiteboard, tap on Results. You’ll see a list of people who’ve completed the WOD. Tap on a person’s name and give ’em a fist bump or leave a comment for them.
Even if you weren’t able to work out together, fist bumps are a fun way to encourage other members and stay connected with your Rhapsody community outside of the gym.
Are you ready to live life to your fullest potential? So are we.Contact ustoday.