Monthly Archives: December 2021


Empowering You To Reduce Your Risk For Heart Disease And Stroke


When you create a consistent training routine that leads to improved fitness and performance, you feel good! It’s true that working out regularly leads to so many health benefits. But as invincible as you might feel, it’s worth noting that regular physical activity doesn’t make you immune to heart disease or stroke. Thinking about [...]

Empowering You To Reduce Your Risk For Heart Disease And Stroke2021-12-20T19:05:10+00:00

Meet Rhapsody Nutrition’s Kate Hendley


KATE HENDLEY NUTRITIONIST | RHAPSODY NUTRITION Born and raised in the Lowcountry, Kate glided onto the ice as a competitive figure skater for nearly a decade before trading her skates for sneakers as a track and cross country athlete.  Immersed in solo sports, Kate developed a consuming drive for success and self-induced demand for perfection [...]

Meet Rhapsody Nutrition’s Kate Hendley2021-12-26T12:30:03+00:00

Understanding And Managing High Cortisol Levels


Cortisol is commonly referred to as “the stress hormone.” This is because your body releases cortisol in response to stress - which is a good thing! The problem with cortisol is when the levels remain high for extended periods of time. What Causes High Cortisol Levels? When you experience stress, your sympathetic nervous system [...]

Understanding And Managing High Cortisol Levels2021-12-20T19:05:41+00:00

Burpees – 5 Reasons To Love Them


How often have you showed up at the gym, scanned through the WOD, and secretly hoped that you wouldn’t find burpees on the board? Yep, been there. It’s no secret that burpees are tough. But there are quite a few reasons to embrace the burpee in all its challenging glory. Here are five reasons [...]

Burpees – 5 Reasons To Love Them2021-12-16T10:47:19+00:00

Rhapsody’s Top 5 Charleston Eats


First we fitness, then we feast!  Tis the season to put in the work for the promise of damn good eats, and, here in the Lowcountry, we are certainly spoiled with some of the country’s finest fare.  Whether we’re giving the inside scoop to drop-ins visiting us from near and far or helping our [...]

Rhapsody’s Top 5 Charleston Eats2021-12-07T22:24:04+00:00

Some Sweet Stats About Sugar


According to the American Heart Association, adults in America consume an average of 77 grams of sugar each day. This is 40-50 grams more than AHA recommendations and adds up to about 60 pounds of sugar in a year! The good news is that many adults have heard the warnings about sugar consumption and [...]

Some Sweet Stats About Sugar2021-12-03T06:58:27+00:00
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