Monthly Archives: August 2022


How A Growth Mindset Leads To Success In The Gym


One of the most beneficial things you can do to position yourself for success with your physical fitness program is to adopt a growth mindset. A growth mindset means that you believe improvement is possible if you create an appropriate plan and execute it. It differs from a fixed mindset, which resolves itself to [...]

How A Growth Mindset Leads To Success In The Gym2022-08-17T11:15:10+00:00

What Are The Benefits Of Group Fitness?


Group projects in high school were one of the worst things ever, but group fitness environments, on the other hand, can be awesome. If you've been thinking about adding a group component to your fitness program, here are a few reasons you should. 1. Structure  One of the best reasons to engage in group [...]

What Are The Benefits Of Group Fitness?2022-08-17T11:14:56+00:00

Kerry Kirsch Takes The Helm As Rhapsody Fitness Head Coach


Coming on board to Rhapsody Fitness in August 2020, Kerry Kirsch invested two years (and counting) mastering The Rhapsody Way, wrangling all you misfits + mavens, and honing his expertise as a premier coach. Much deserved and well earned, Rhapsody Fitness is proud for Kirsch to take the helm as the Head Coach where [...]

Kerry Kirsch Takes The Helm As Rhapsody Fitness Head Coach2022-08-17T11:47:54+00:00

Pre-Workout Supplements: What They Are & How They Work


Pre-workout supplements are among the most popular nutritional supplements for athletes who participate in high-intensity exercise like CrossFit. You've probably seen these and maybe you use them yourself. They're usually a powdered blend of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. You mix it with water and take 15 to 30 minutes before exercising for an [...]

Pre-Workout Supplements: What They Are & How They Work2022-07-29T13:52:07+00:00
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