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From box building and community features to fresh resources on mindset and nutrition, it’s all here.
Protein, Pre-Workout or Coffee
What's the best thing to consume before a workout? Protein shakes? A pre-workout? But first...coffee? The foods and drinks you consume [...]
Master Your Mindset: Turning “Have To” Into “Get To”
Are your workouts a task or a chore that you have to do? Or are they one of the best parts [...]
Start Your Engine – Swim Like A Shark With SwimWOD’s Emma Gage
Jump on in, the water is warm! From many Rhapsody athletes, we field questions about how to enhance conditioning and improve endurance without putting excess [...]
The Big Comeback. Now’s Your Time.
Are you wanting to get back into the gym? But for whatever reason, it hasn't happened. What's holding you back from [...]
Fuel Your Fire: The Key 3 For Endurance Training
By Eliot McPherson, Nutritionist for Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston, SC Your endurance event is officially on the books and it’s all-in for the weeks of [...]
How To Bust Through A Training Plateau
You stroll into the gym just as class is starting and warm-up. You've glanced at the WOD and pretty much know [...]