Rhapsody Fitness

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My Rhapsody: Finding Great White Buffalos With Zak Barry


My Rhapsody: Zak Barry talks of feeling grounded and finding his great white buffalos at Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston. What is your story? Zak Barry at Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston, SC. I moved to Charleston from Seattle in March of 2019 after asking to be stationed at Charleston Air Force Base for [...]

My Rhapsody: Finding Great White Buffalos With Zak Barry2025-03-07T08:17:29-05:00

7 Mistakes You Might Make As A New Athlete (And How To Handle Them)


  If you're a new athlete who's just getting started with CrossFit, first, welcome to the community. We know there is a lot to learn. So here are some common mistakes that you might make as a new athlete, as well as suggestions on how to handle them. 1. You focus on intensity before [...]

7 Mistakes You Might Make As A New Athlete (And How To Handle Them)2025-03-07T08:18:17-05:00

The Comeback


By Alan Shaw, Co-Founder and Head Coach of Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston, SC come·"‹back | noun: the return to life or vitality. I love a comeback. That moment you see the athlete bringing up the rear go head down, dig deep, spark something and start to weave her way to [...]

The Comeback2025-03-07T08:19:30-05:00

On A Mission


Whether you consider yourself an athlete, weekend warrior or a fitness enthusiast, you might be curious how CrossFit can help you with your fitness goals. No matter if you're on a mission to: Improve your overall health and longevity Improve your athletic performance Train for an upcoming 5K, marathon, sprint [...]

On A Mission2025-03-07T08:20:26-05:00

Stephanie Rodriguez Joins Team Rhapsody


  Rhapsody CrossFit welcomes Stephanie Rodriguez to Team Rhapsody. Born in Ponce Puerto Rico and raised in upstate New York, change, opportunity and Instagram brought Stephanie to Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston, SC. Despite nearly two decades as a competitive gymnast and being an all-star field hockey player through highschool, Stephanie didn't get into fitness [...]

Stephanie Rodriguez Joins Team Rhapsody2025-03-07T08:21:41-05:00

Rhapsody Business Directory


Our community is made up of movers and shakers doing great work well beyond the four walls of Rhapsody Fitness. From physicians and surgeons to bakers and brewers, learn more about the professional expertise among our members and engage with each other on another level through the Rhapsody Business Directory.  DENTAL SERVICES Amanda [...]

Rhapsody Business Directory2025-03-06T20:33:52-05:00

Why We Murph


  If you're new to the CrossFit community, you might've heard something about a workout called "Murph". And if you've been CrossFitting for a while, you've probably done this workout every year on Memorial Day. What is "Murph"? Murph is a CrossFit Hero WOD done by CrossFit athletes all over the world on Memorial [...]

Why We Murph2025-03-07T07:57:12-05:00

Be Best Friends First, Never Give Up – Meet The Fishers


Rhapsody CrossFit athletes Alice and Jeffery Fisher share their story of finding love, making a comeback and raising the bar on relationship goals. Faster than you could wave the start flag, Alice and Jeffery were off to the races. Introduced through mutual friends, the two began circling each other at [...]

Be Best Friends First, Never Give Up – Meet The Fishers2025-03-07T08:01:16-05:00

Rhapsody CrossFit Readies To Reopen


With boats back out on the water and retail stores flipping on their lights, we are optimistic about opening Rhapsody CrossFit's doors in the coming weeks. Although we do not have a confirmed timeline, Team Rhapsody is ready to go when given the all clear. With that said, team and [...]

Rhapsody CrossFit Readies To Reopen2025-03-07T08:02:57-05:00

The Imbibing Athlete: 4 Ways Alcohol Affects Your Performance and Recovery


If you have a glass of red wine or a beer with dinner, how will this affect your workout the next day? The effects of alcohol vary from person to person. And those effects will also depend on the type of alcohol consumed, the amount and your individual tolerance. If [...]

The Imbibing Athlete: 4 Ways Alcohol Affects Your Performance and Recovery2025-03-07T08:04:59-05:00
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