My Rhapsody: Rob Dacosta shares how Rhapsody debunked his negative CrossFit stigma and how he found the community to carry through the good, the bad and COVID-19.

What is your story?

I was born in Crawley, England and lived in Madeira, Portugal until I was 10 before moving to Charleston, South Carolina. Sadly, I lost my British accent.

I recently graduated from the College of Charleston in May of 2019 and was lucky enough to find a job right out of college in Downtown Charleston at SIB Fixed Cost Reduction.

A blue rectangular background with a white border.

Rob Dacosta at Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston, SC. (Photo by Valerie and Ed Photography.)

When it comes to my fitness and health history, I have always been involved in multiple sports. Growing up with my twin brother and an older brother, we were very competitive. My parents would sign me and my twin brother up in every sport together, so, obviously, I had to be the better twin.

I played competitive tennis most of my life as well in college. Once I graduated and started my 9-5 job, I missed being an athlete. I was eager to find something to do rather than sit eight hours a day staring at a computer screen. That’s when I looked into joining Rhapsody CrossFit – one of the best decisions I ever made.

What brought you to Rhapsody CrossFit?

The first time I heard about CrossFit was when I started lifting in college. I had a couple of friends that went to another box here in Charleston.

If you told me two years ago that I would be doing CrossFit I would have laughed. I had a negative perspective and approach to CrossFit from people saying it was an expensive and dangerous sport. Wow, how I was so wrong.

I looked at a couple of CrossFit gyms in Charleston, but nothing could compare to Rhapsody. The coaches and the community are the biggest reason why I fell in love with this gym. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Coach Alan sad, to be honest. He has the most positive personality and the most upbeat energy that I simply need to rally after a long workday.

What have you gotten out of your experience with Rhapsody CrossFit?

Where do I begin? I have changed both physically and mentally since I joined Rhapsody. It’s the only thing I look forward to most after work. I love the friendly and competitive atmosphere.

Rhapsody really impressed me once again with how they quickly rose up to handle the COVID-19 pandemic. Team Rhapsody jumped on letting us borrow gym equipment and were fast to offer virtual classes on Zoom. The coaches keep up with me daily and make sure I am doing well. It means a lot to me during these bizarre times and is keeping me going.

What has being a part of the Rhapsody CrossFit community meant to you?

The Rhapsody community reminds me a lot about being on a team. Everyone is looking out for you and you are looking out for them. We all push each other and want everyone to succeed.

The hard work that the coaches put into this community is what I appreciate the most! I just love these people!

A blue rectangular background with a white border.

Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston, SC. (Photo by Valerie and Ed Photography)