By Alan Shaw, Co-Founder and Head Coach of Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston, SC

come·​back | noun: the return to life or vitality. 

I love a comeback. 

That moment you see the athlete bringing up the rear go head down, dig deep, spark something and start to weave her way to the front.

A blue rectangular background with a white border.

This is our time. This is your time.

The decision. The determination. The drive. All met with shock and awe from spectators and competitors alike. There is nothing like it and nothing better. 

Over the past few weeks, we’ve been knocked down. Among our Rhapsody community, we’ve experienced layoffs, furloughs, crippling hours, loneliness, anxiety, barbell withdrawal and more than enough burpees.

But there were incredible moments too. Moments where you chose to keep going – one more mile, one more rep, one more day. I saw you go head down, dig deep and spark something…

Now it’s time for your comeback. 

And we are here for it at Rhapsody CrossFit. As we ready to reopen, our team is energized and excited to help you work your way back to peak performance in a safe and healthy environment.

There is no guidebook for this one, but that doesn’t scare me. I have watched this community of misfits, hellions and badasses take whatever we throw at them – whatever life throws at them – humble, hungry and happy to tackle the next. 

I never could have imagined that going into Rhapsody’s third year would look like this. But, again, this is what we train for – constantly varied to face the unknown. We will keep adjusting and adapting for the unforeseen challenges ahead and weave our way back up to the front of the line. 

This is our time. This is your time.

I love a comeback. Let’s go! 

Be strong, stay healthy and let some Rhapsody into your life. To learn more about Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston and our wide range of programs, get in touch with Team Rhapsody today.