Monthly Archives: July 2022


Rhapsody Turns 4 – Back To Basics


By Alan Shaw, Co-Founder of Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston, SC I’ve been told that a shift happens in year four. Year one is all about breaking ground and hurdling into the unknown. Year two is no-holds-barred marked by high highs with low lows and hard lessons. By year three, you realize you’re standing on steadier [...]

Rhapsody Turns 4 – Back To Basics2022-07-31T22:53:09+00:00

Maintaining Mobility: CrossFit And Range Of Motion Routines


CrossFit is a great tool for improving our health, how we feel and how we look. And while getting stronger and fitter is great, there’s another benefit available, too — enhanced mobility. Mobility is measured by your overall range of motion and adding stretching and other mobility exercises to your routine can unleash your [...]

Maintaining Mobility: CrossFit And Range Of Motion Routines2022-07-31T21:47:38+00:00

Keep It Simple – Debunking Fad Diets, Learning Consistency Is Queen


By Kate Hendley, Rhapsody Fitness Nutritionist You want to know the big secret to winning fitness and nutrition? That silver bullet? The golden ticket? The white sauce mystery ingredient? Lean in, I’ll tell you…  There isn’t one. Keep it simple. Be consistent. You’re welcome.  Nine out of 10 people I come across believe there’s a [...]

Keep It Simple – Debunking Fad Diets, Learning Consistency Is Queen2022-07-03T10:34:13+00:00

Grateful To Move – Find Gratitude For Movement + The Challenge Of Fitness


By Kate Hendley, Rhapsody Fitness Nutritionist Whether we mean it, most of us have caught ourselves in the “have-to” hamster wheel when it comes to our training.  I just got back from vacation, so I have to go to the gym. I had pizza last night, so I have to go for a run.  I saw [...]

Grateful To Move – Find Gratitude For Movement + The Challenge Of Fitness2022-07-03T10:25:54+00:00
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