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Expand – Paint A Bigger Picture With A Broad Brush Using All The Colors
By Alan Shaw, Co-Founder and Head Coach of Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston, SC What a year it has been, friends. I know this is a [...]
Empowering You To Reduce Your Risk For Heart Disease And Stroke
When you create a consistent training routine that leads to improved fitness and performance, you feel good! It’s true that working out regularly leads to [...]
Meet Rhapsody Nutrition’s Kate Hendley
KATE HENDLEY NUTRITIONIST | RHAPSODY NUTRITION Born and raised in the Lowcountry, Kate glided onto the ice as a competitive figure skater for nearly a [...]
Understanding And Managing High Cortisol Levels
Cortisol is commonly referred to as “the stress hormone.” This is because your body releases cortisol in response to stress - which is a good [...]
Burpees – 5 Reasons To Love Them
How often have you showed up at the gym, scanned through the WOD, and secretly hoped that you wouldn’t find burpees on the board? Yep, [...]
Rhapsody’s Top 5 Charleston Eats
First we fitness, then we feast! Tis the season to put in the work for the promise of damn good eats, [...]