Building on the technique used in the shoulder press and push press, the push jerk is the most efficient way to move heavy loads overhead. And as one of CrossFit’s foundational movements, it requires proper technique, coordination and timing.

Points of Performance: The Push Jerk

The set-up for the push jerk is similar to the shoulder press and push press. The difference with the push jerk is that after dipping, driving and extending the hips and legs, you rebend the knees and catch the bar in a partial squat.

The push jerk can sound (and feel) complicated. But by practicing the following points of performance, you’ll be able to put it all together successfully.

Starting Stance

Start by standing with feet under hips. Take a full grip on the barbell with hands just outside shoulders and elbows slightly in front of the barbell.


While keeping the core tight, dip straight down by bending the knees. Keep the torso vertical.


Quickly extend (open) the hips and legs before dropping under the barbell and driving it overhead. Land in a partial squat with the barbell overhead.

Stand with Full Extension

Complete the movement by coming to full hip, knee and arm extension before lowering the barbell back to your shoulders.

A Few More Tips

  • The push jerk takes coordination and timing. If you feel like your timing is off, know that you’re not alone.
  • Break the movement down and practice each part individually before stringing the sequence together.
  • Keep practicing the shoulder press and push press, as well. Nailing down your technique in these shoulder to overhead movements will transfer to the push jerk and help you move with proper technique and improve coordination.

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