Monthly Archives: July 2020


10 General Physical Skills


The functionality of your fitness isn't determined by a single exercise or skill. Instead, it's made up of several physical skills - ten to be exact. These ten general physical skills come together to prepare you for almost any physical activity. Working on the following skills provides you with a level of fitness that [...]

10 General Physical Skills2021-02-23T13:18:09+00:00

How To Have Success With Your Online Coach


By Alan Shaw, Co-Founder and Head Coach of Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston, SC You’re making a significant move to prioritize your health by pursuing online personal training. Big step, right direction.  Whether you’re starting your research, signed up for a program or just joined the ranks of Rhapsody Online Personal Training, let’s talk about [...]

How To Have Success With Your Online Coach2020-07-26T16:07:29+00:00

It’s A Party – Rhapsody’s Sweaty Saturday


By Alan Shaw, Co-Founder and Head Coach of Rhapsody Fitness The weekend’s fittest party is here! Whenever I get asked about our signature Sweaty Saturday workouts, my immediate response is, “It’s a party - you should come!”  There is no better way to describe the sweat fest and fun that is Rhapsody [...]

It’s A Party – Rhapsody’s Sweaty Saturday2021-02-23T13:18:15+00:00

Signs It Might Be Time For A Rest Day


Following a consistent workout schedule is awesome. But keep in mind that consistency doesn’t mean the same thing as working out every single day. A solid workout routine includes both training and rest days. Some prefer the “three on, one off” approach, where you work out three days and then take the fourth day [...]

Signs It Might Be Time For A Rest Day2020-07-22T15:13:50+00:00

Fail Again, Fail Better


How do you feel about failure? Typically, it's not the most popular topic to discuss. If you're like most people, even reading the word "failure" might make you cringe. No matter if we're talking about failing during a workout or in any other area of your daily life, failure is a good thing. Yes, [...]

Fail Again, Fail Better2020-07-22T12:19:20+00:00

Rhapsody Dictionary


When you get to the gym and take a look at the workout, it can appear to be written in a foreign language. How do you begin deciphering what’s on the whiteboard? Reading the workout gets easier with experience. But there are a few common terms and acronyms that it’s helpful to be familiar [...]

Rhapsody Dictionary2021-02-23T13:18:22+00:00

Getting Back To Basics – Rhapsody 101 Returns


By Alan Shaw, Co-Founder and Head Coach of Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston, SC For many of us, what we thought our training would be versus what we were able to do has probably looked a bit different so far this year.  You adapted, stuck with it and tackled whatever you could to stay as [...]

Getting Back To Basics – Rhapsody 101 Returns2020-06-28T19:45:37+00:00
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