Stay in the know on all things health and fitness with Rhapsody News.
From box building and community features to fresh resources on mindset and nutrition, it’s all here.
Keep It Simple – Debunking Fad Diets, Learning Consistency Is Queen
By Kate Hendley, Rhapsody Fitness Nutritionist You want to know the big secret to winning fitness and nutrition? That silver bullet? The golden ticket? The white [...]
Grateful To Move – Find Gratitude For Movement + The Challenge Of Fitness
By Kate Hendley, Rhapsody Fitness Nutritionist Whether we mean it, most of us have caught ourselves in the “have-to” hamster wheel when it comes to our training. [...]
What To Expect When Beginning CrossFit At Rhapsody Fitness
One of the things that excites us most at Rhapsody Fitness is to see new people come in the door. And we are super happy [...]
Why Women Should Try CrossFit And What To Expect
There are so many options to choose from when considering an exercise program, and everyone’s fitness journey is going to be different. We all have [...]
Team Rhapsody Heads To The Granite Games
They came together, put in the work and, now, Team Rhapsody sets their sights on the 2022 CrossFit Games Semifinals at Granite Games - the [...]
Rhapsody’s Sweat + Serve and Hallie Hill Animal Sanctuary
Rhapsody's Sweat + Serve is thrilled to partner withHallie Hill Animal Sanctuarynext Saturday, May 28 to celebrate the incredible life ofSir David Amess. Hallie Hill [...]