Stay in the know on all things health and fitness with Rhapsody News.
From box building and community features to fresh resources on mindset and nutrition, it’s all here.
What Happens When You Sit All Day?
Over the past several decades, we humans have become more and more sedentary. Because of technology, rather than being outside and moving around, we spend [...]
How To Set Yourself Up For Long-Term Success
Success in any area of life doesn’t happen overnight. It requires direction, practice, awareness, realistic expectations and consistency. So whether you’re aiming for results at [...]
A Quick Guide To Managing Your Screen Time
Spending too much time with our eyes glued to a screen isn’t healthy. This is a habit that disrupts productivity and sleep. It tends to [...]
Rhapsody’s Leadership Library – Our Top 5 Reads For Building Your Business + Best Self
Holistic health means exercising your mind as well as your body. As we careen into a new year with all its potential, we’re excited to [...]
Is It Time To Work With A Personal Trainer?
How are your workouts going? Good? Great? Or do you feel like something is missing? If you’re looking for a way to level up your [...]
3 Ways To Make Your Life More Playful
When was the last time you played? If it’s been a while, you’re not alone. Play is sometimes the last thing on our minds. Especially [...]