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Some Sweet Stats About Sugar
According to the American Heart Association, adults in America consume an average of 77 grams of sugar each day. This is 40-50 grams more than [...]
Road To Recovery – From “Swimmer’s Shoulder” To Strict Press, Meredith Bean Learns Patience + Persistence Pays Off
Mapping back to middle school, Meredith's shoulders started giving her grief during her days swimming with a competitive club [...]
How To Practice Pacing Your Workouts
A lack of pacing your workouts usually creates one of two scenarios: You go out as hard or as fast as you can, only to [...]
Boosting Your Immune System Through Exercise
It comes as no surprise that exercise is good for us. And rather than making a list of all the benefits, let’s focus on one [...]
Rhapsody 1:1 Skill Sessions – Crash Course For Your Skill Of Choice
By Alan Shaw, Co-Founder and Head Coach of Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston, SC We all have them - those tricky modalities you have your sights [...]
Shop Rhapsody Gift Guide – Give Some Rhapsody This Holiday Season
With this year moving at a clip few of us can wrap our brains around, it's hard to believe the holidays [...]