Monthly Archives: November 2021


Road To Recovery – From “Swimmer’s Shoulder” To Strict Press, Meredith Bean Learns Patience + Persistence Pays Off


Mapping back to middle school, Meredith’s shoulders started giving her grief during her days swimming with a competitive club team based out of Atlanta. Assured it was merely growing pains, she forced her way through mounting misery until a breaking point finally led to a physician diagnosing her with “swimmer’s shoulder”. “Throughout my high [...]

Road To Recovery – From “Swimmer’s Shoulder” To Strict Press, Meredith Bean Learns Patience + Persistence Pays Off2021-11-29T19:43:12+00:00

How To Practice Pacing Your Workouts


A lack of pacing your workouts usually creates one of two scenarios: You go out as hard or as fast as you can, only to gas out minutes (or seconds) later. You hang out in your comfort zone without pushing yourself enough to produce results. So how do you find the sweet spot between [...]

How To Practice Pacing Your Workouts2021-12-03T06:58:58+00:00

Boosting Your Immune System Through Exercise


It comes as no surprise that exercise is good for us. And rather than making a list of all the benefits, let’s focus on one specific system that improves with exercise – your immune system. Here are a few ways that exercise improves your immune system (source): Exercise cycles bacteria out of your lungs and [...]

Boosting Your Immune System Through Exercise2021-11-16T09:11:58+00:00

Rhapsody 1:1 Skill Sessions – Crash Course For Your Skill Of Choice


By Alan Shaw, Co-Founder and Head Coach of Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston, SC We all have them - those tricky modalities you have your sights set on (hello, muscle-ups!), but need some extra support to land. Whether you’re stuck in pull-up purgatory or looking to upgrade your clean & jerk, Rhapsody 1:1 Skill Sessions are [...]

Rhapsody 1:1 Skill Sessions – Crash Course For Your Skill Of Choice2021-11-14T21:27:13+00:00

Shop Rhapsody Gift Guide – Give Some Rhapsody This Holiday Season


With this year moving at a clip few of us can wrap our brains around, it’s hard to believe the holidays are right around the corner. Couple that with supply-chain scares and Black Friday deals rolling out before the Halloween decorations came down, there’s more pressure than ever to start shopping sooner rather than [...]

Shop Rhapsody Gift Guide – Give Some Rhapsody This Holiday Season2021-11-14T22:19:02+00:00

How CrossFit Improves The Quality Of Your Sex Life


People start doing CrossFit for a variety of reasons. You might’ve first walked into the gym because you wanted to lose some weight, create a healthy routine or improve the quality of your life. CrossFit has the potential to improve the quality of your life, and more specifically, your sex life. And while this [...]

How CrossFit Improves The Quality Of Your Sex Life2021-11-13T09:43:10+00:00

CrossFit, Intensity And You


Are you curious about CrossFit but find yourself asking the question, “Is CrossFit too intense for me?” Is the intimidation around intensity holding you back from giving it a try? There are a lot of assumptions about CrossFit. And one of the most common assumptions revolves around intensity. Is CrossFit too intense? What do [...]

CrossFit, Intensity And You2021-11-06T15:49:52+00:00
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