

Test The System – Six Steps To Create, Test + Trust Your Process


By Alan Shaw, Co-Founder and Head Coach of Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston, SC Welcome to Box Building! Follow Rhapsody Fitness Co-Founders Alan Shaw and Trinity Wheeler as they continue to build one of the fastest growing gyms in South Carolina. Answer the hard questions, explore various approaches, dive into strategy and share lessons learned [...]

Test The System – Six Steps To Create, Test + Trust Your Process2025-02-26T23:54:48-05:00

Benchmark: DT


To honor those who have fallen, CrossFit pays tribute by naming workouts after these men and women. DT is a benchmark “Hero WOD” that is done to honor one of our fallen heroes. The Workout 5 Rounds 12 Deadlifts (155/105 lb) 9 Hang Power Cleans (155/105 lb) 6 Push Jerks (155/105 lb) DT is [...]

Benchmark: DT2021-01-04T13:59:35-05:00

Women’s Self-Defense At Rhapsody


Malachy Friedman from Black Label Martial Arts Academy is coming to Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston on Friday, January 8 at 7:15PM to teach his No Victims Self-Defense seminar. Women's Self-Defense Do you know what to do? In 2005, the National Institute of Justice commissioned a report where researchers examined cases of physical and sexual [...]

Women’s Self-Defense At Rhapsody2020-12-29T14:25:54-05:00

Points of Performance: The Overhead Squat


The overhead squat is a squat performed with weight held overhead. It’s a complex movement that demands full-body strength and mobility. Not to mention it is a killer core exercise that also builds balance, coordination and body awareness. Take the time to learn how to properly squat with weight over your head. Start with [...]

Points of Performance: The Overhead Squat2025-02-26T23:54:48-05:00

We Are Rhapsody – The Comeback

2021-10-04T11:26:10-04:00 We all love a comeback story. We always have, we always will.  When something sparks and the momentum changes. When odds are overcome and a champion emerges. It speaks to us. It speaks to the deep part of us that knows we are made for comebacks. But the thing is...comebacks never happen [...]

We Are Rhapsody – The Comeback2021-10-04T11:26:10-04:00

Points of Performance: The Front Squat


Once you’ve learned the points of performance for the air squat, you’ll build on what you’ve learned with additional foundational movements, like the front squat. The front squat introduces a front-load to the air squat. By adding weight to the front of your body, your center of mass shifts forward. With this front load, the tendency [...]

Points of Performance: The Front Squat2025-02-26T23:54:48-05:00

Body Image: Reclaim, Redefine Your Standard Of Beauty


By Whitney Dunn, Rhapsody Coaches Mentorship Program at Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston, SC Won’t my arms get too big? What about my thunder thighs? Will I get bulky?  Ladies. Let’s talk about body image. These are just a few of the many questions (laced with self-criticism…) I hear from the wonder women inside and outside [...]

Body Image: Reclaim, Redefine Your Standard Of Beauty2025-02-26T23:54:48-05:00

Benchmark: Jackie


Jackie is a benchmark WOD where the intended stimulus is meant to be a significant cardiovascular challenge. The intensity should be high, the thrusters should be light and the goal should be speed. The Workout "Jackie" For time: 1000 meter Row 50 Thrusters (Men - 45 lbs; Women - 35 lbs) 30 Pull-Ups This workout [...]

Benchmark: Jackie2020-12-09T11:48:55-05:00

Points of Performance: The Air Squat


When you’re first getting started with CrossFit, one of the first movements you’ll learn is the air squat. And it's an exercise that you'll continue to practice over and over again. At first, this might be surprising because it seems like such a basic movement. But the reason why you start with the air [...]

Points of Performance: The Air Squat2025-02-26T23:54:48-05:00

Speak The Hard Truth – Communicate Your Way To Transparency


By Alan Shaw, Co-Founder and Head Coach of Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston, SC Welcome to Box Building! Follow Rhapsody Fitness Co-Founders Alan Shaw and Trinity Wheeler as they continue to build one of the fastest growing gyms in South Carolina. Answer the hard questions, explore various approaches, dive into strategy and share lessons learned [...]

Speak The Hard Truth – Communicate Your Way To Transparency2025-02-26T23:54:48-05:00
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