

Signs It Might Be Time For A Rest Day


Following a consistent workout schedule is awesome. But keep in mind that consistency doesn’t mean the same thing as working out every single day. A solid workout routine includes both training and rest days. Some prefer the “three on, one off†approach, where you work out three days and then take the fourth day [...]

Signs It Might Be Time For A Rest Day2025-02-26T23:54:48-05:00

Fail Again, Fail Better


How do you feel about failure? Typically, it's not the most popular topic to discuss. If you're like most people, even reading the word "failure" might make you cringe. No matter if we're talking about failing during a workout or in any other area of your daily life, failure is a good thing. Yes, [...]

Fail Again, Fail Better2025-02-26T23:54:48-05:00

Ready For The Next – Rhapsody Introduces Rhapsody Recovery


Recovery is just as important as your training in enhancing and improving your overall health and fitness. There. We said it.  Sufficient sleep, quality nutrition and strategic rest are all part of the essential healing and recuperation you need to be your best between workouts. You can also raise the bar on your regroup by [...]

Ready For The Next – Rhapsody Introduces Rhapsody Recovery2021-02-23T13:18:29-05:00

Lee Davis Completes 16 Murphs in 24 Hours


Rhapsody CrossFit Athlete, Citadel Alumnus Breaks Record - Lee Davis Completes 16 Murphs in 24 Hours Rhapsody CrossFit athlete and Military College of South Carolina Citadel alumnus, Lee Davis, sets the new record for consecutive Murphs completed within 24 hours by accomplishing 16 rounds in 22 hours and 3 minutes.  “After doing a 100-mile [...]

Lee Davis Completes 16 Murphs in 24 Hours2025-02-26T23:54:49-05:00

The Comeback


By Alan Shaw, Co-Founder and Head Coach of Rhapsody CrossFit in Charleston, SC come·​back | noun: the return to life or vitality.  I love a comeback.  That moment you see the athlete bringing up the rear go head down, dig deep, spark something and start to weave her way to the front. This [...]

The Comeback2025-02-26T23:54:49-05:00

5 Essential Habits For Lifelong Health


Building a foundation for lifelong health doesn't just happen overnight. It takes small and consistent effort in all of life's daily actions. But where do you start? What habits are most essential? Here are five essential habits for lifelong health: 1. Exercise Exercise is so much more than burning calories and controlling your weight. [...]

5 Essential Habits For Lifelong Health2025-02-26T23:54:49-05:00

This Is What We Train For – Constantly Varied To Face The Unknown


By Alan Shaw, Co-Founder and Head Coach of Rhapsody Fitness in Charleston, SC By now the adrenaline has worn off and the reality of the grind ahead is settling in. You may be overwhelmed, exhausted and tempted to press pause on your fitness - hibernate with your quarantine snacks, flip on never-ending Netflix and [...]

This Is What We Train For – Constantly Varied To Face The Unknown2025-02-26T23:54:49-05:00

You Can Choose A Positive Mindset


By Jennifer Bellini, Moving Forward Founder and Rhapsody Brain Trust Member With a constant barrage of current news in our inboxes and social media streams, it’s no wonder we’re on edge.  Even during times of great stress and uncertainty, it’s important to remember that you still have choices. You can choose self-care to help [...]

You Can Choose A Positive Mindset2020-03-22T11:22:02-04:00

Motivation Vs. Discipline (You Need Both)


How many times have you woken up and thought, “I have no motivation to work out today.� Some days, you work out anyway. Other days you throw in the towel. But why? Is it because you need more motivation? Is it related to self-discipline? Spoiler alert...it's both. Motivation is a feeling. Motivation isn’t tangible. It’s [...]

Motivation Vs. Discipline (You Need Both)2025-02-26T23:54:49-05:00

Listen To The Advice Of A Cliché – Step Outside Your Comfort Zone


There’s a reason why “stepping outside your comfort zone†has become a popular cliché. Leaving your comfort zone is where you grow and make progress. Why is it so hard to leave? Your comfort zone is familiar. When you stay there, you know exactly what you’re capable of, and there is no risk of [...]

Listen To The Advice Of A Cliché – Step Outside Your Comfort Zone2025-02-26T23:54:49-05:00
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